
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Hi girl do you think it's important to get married

I think it's important to do what you need to do & to put yourself first (most of the time) & to work towards a goal.

What do you mean u never go out ? Like you just cant go 80 in the streets but like Where ?

Yeah you can just go 80 on the streets. The freeway is not always packed.

Yeah but where can you even go 80 at ? The freeway is always packed

Lol just kidding another guess u prob never go out often

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isn't the speed limit for the free way 65 mphs? where you try 80?

Gonna take a wILD guess that u don't drive cause no one follows the speed limit

Tell Adam to! Or ask him why he drives over 100? Thanks i want to know if there's a reason to it or just for fun. And also where did he drive 100 at

W me on bayfarm but idk where he drives lmao ok

So you mean conditioner is necessary for everyday but then you should shampoo every other day?

Don't wash your hair everyday and every other time you wash your hair your hair you can shampoo. That's just me

80-85 is already hella fast and illegal so don't try 100 because Thats super illegal and it may be hard to control the wheel and stop

If Adam sees this he'll laugh but I doubt

Do you do this too; lay on your bed for hours and go on your phone before actually going to sleep

Me RN lmao

3-4 sound normal. Is it true that your hair can be healthier if you wash it everday song it strips away all of the natural oilt why your hair needs?

No... You should skip shampoo every other time unless it's dirty. Just condition

Is it on your bucket list to try to hit 100 on a road? The only place I have ever heard anyone do that before is on tat really straight highway for hours to LA

No I'm not trying to die


Language: English