
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Have you ever felt so scared while driving that you felt like you might crash ? Ever get that feeling ?

Lol no but sometimes I get anxious bc what if I step on brake thinking its gas LOL

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Isn't eng 5 and eng 1b the same thing? Do they satisfy the same GE

Yes and no. 1b is lower than 5 and you have to take both or like 1a then 1 b and 5 a or something

I still haven't made an account for community this summer. What classes are you taking

English 5 that's all I remember Lol

Why not? Davis too close and didn't accept you first time ?

Lol. Because i don't like the camps and surroundings

Hello !! Important question : what made you choose sociology ? I'm still trying to decide on my major right now ! And I dont know what to consider !

I chose it because I like working with people and idk social work but not exactly social work. I like figuring out people and what made me decide was when I transferred from ahs to ochs and I realized big differences in school and society even though it's literally 10 min from each other. And when I interned for the mayor I liked working w the community.


Language: English