
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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How are you doing? Is it only ucd and ucsd coming out today ?? First college admissions for you?

Uh could be better. Hating the weather. And yeah that's what everyone's been saying. They are.

Do you think its fair for comm colleges to give priority to college students first than to high school students ?

Of course. Those enrolled in college are paying more and need to graduate.

Do the ge 's you take at comm college get transfer into the college university youll attend next fall ?

Most of them but it depends on the colleges I'm going to. Wish I could fish it and just transfer but idk maybe I will

I can't find the catalog for summer 2016 yet but I see the spring 2016 one

Lol the classes are basically the same. There is a catalogue that's not by season

GE for college? You're already doing ge's foro college ?

Lol I have like 4 classes before I can transfer in as a third year but I'll see where I get into first.

Are you hate taking the random classes without a pre req? I just want to take an interesting class over the summer because I have nothing to do. And I don't want to take a math or science or any of that. Just something that's interesting to me 😊

No I take my classes based on what I need left of my GE

College students from peralta have priority or any college students from everywhere ? If it's any college everywhere, then wouldn't there be no room for high school students since that might be alot of college students .

Yeah high school students usually don't get the classes they want or things like math science or English bc those r actual classes ppl need to graduate.

And are you allowed to take any class you want there if there's room ? Or are you only allowed to take certain classes because of the grade you're in and stuff like that

Uh some have pre req.

Is there a list somewhere that tells you what classes at being offered at comm college this summer

There's a catalogue yeah google it

Really ? Don't they need to open the application early so people can sign up for it ? Are you allowed to sign up for comm classes anytime before summer or is A there a due date you have to apply by?

Lol no, it's the same for applying for spring fall winter and summer. Why would you open the application when you're not even done w the current semester right. It is first come first serve. College students have priority then HS


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