
The Father

Ask @RevengeGoldQM

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>>particularly after the still births, the first is coming up,/ "She cant even give birth properly!"Obella is gonna make herself quite a few rivals in the Crownlands wont she ?

Obella would never consider any of them 'rivals' but she is going to end up with a healthy list of people she does not like. Sewing circles are her bane and the people that inhabit them are her least favorite, mingy little gossips, only good for gathering half truth intel.

>It's all theory however, I'm not sure how I'd go about it in terms of in game mechanics. Another custom horse Holding? Homebrewed dothrahki and subsequent offspring stat lines? Not entirely sure.// I'd love to see something like that. Animal Husbandry and breeding is a great interest to me.

No great promises on that one, we haven't really dedicated the resources to that sort of stuff, if we ever do though I probably will try to homebrew that stuff. See what you guys think.

Sorry if this has been asked already, still a few threads behind after my holiday. So if Mason takes ownership of the land does the upgrades to the tower and development to the land still rely on us or does Mason automatically and periodically buy his own troops and develop his own land?

No that's fine, worth clearing up in one place. So a couple things with this.
First, when/if Mason is landed he will not get a Lands roll during House Creation. The placement of Blackbridge Tower is dead middle of the Malroy land, once the Princewood is firmly in the Malroy's hands again there isn't going to be any immediate lands for Mason's House to claim. He would focus all his efforts on the immediate area around Blackbridge Tower, such as defensive holdings, military and holdings to supplement Steadholds. You guys have the option however to grant Mason the Princewood and all its incomes. He would then focus on building his own infrastructure within it and policing it in House Malroy's name. So he will either have a Lands score of 0 and command no Lands or exactly 15 for the gifted domain.
Regarding the Tower, you can land Mason without having rebuilt the Tower yourself. He would spend his Defense roll on rebuilding it himself and live in Steadhold until it was completed. If you rebuild it, you would gift it to him upon the founding of his House, and he would have the rest of his defense score to spend on defensive holdings and the like. I've mentioned before you can even allow Mason's House to take over Blackbridge and rebuild it for his House.
Regarding Mason and his House's incomes, he would have his own stat line similar to the House Malroy Stats spreadsheet. I would taking care of it, and Mason will for the most part work on his own. For Landed Knights I have them roll once every three months, as opposed to the once a month House Malroy does. His incomes, gains and losses are entirely separate from House Malroys. He will spend his own Wealth, Power, etc. to build his own holdings and House Malroy won't have anything to do with them. So to answer your question, the latter.

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How calloused and stuff are Brynden's hands and wrists from all the archery?

Very, it's a very familiar motion and he does it a lot. Practice, war, stress relief, and he's been doing it since he was 6 or 7. So he has a very noticeable callous indicative of an archer.

Now that Lysa Tully is the Queen of love and beauty. Why do i get the feeling that when she return to Kings Landing she will tell stories about how Lord Malroy couldnt keep his eyes off her, paid more attention to her than his wife and offered to spend his wedding night with her instead of his wife?

Because you'd be right. Well everything but the last part at least.
It won't really reach anywhere outside of the sewing circles and the court of King's Landing but eventually Obella will hear and will be a bit miffed.

Obella is going to give us the silent treatment for a little while right ?

Not so much the silent treatment as just a little bit of distance. She's dornish, for a long time her word has been treated as equal and she is a bit offended that Brynden didn't take her side. She has every right and reason to not trust the Arryns fully and believes Brynden should as well. Particularly regarding her children. She understands she's in the Crownlands, and Dorne is a long way away, but she still has expectations to be an equal to her Lord.

What kind of breed do you think would come from crossing the Malroy's horses with Dothraki stock? I'd imagine whatever the result is, it would be interesting.

You know I don't really know.
My knowledge of horses rely on two things, the ones I grew up raising on my neighbors farm, and horse races, of which I am a huge fan. Goldsong is actually based off of American Pharoah, his demeanor and stride at least but golden. On a completely unrelated note I would like to do a circuit like the Triple Crown, involving the Crownlands, Reach and Westerlands. Just for a bit of fun.
Anyway. Malroy's golden coursers and the dothrahki's horses would probably take a couple generations to come up with a good breeding line with the best strengths of both. Dothrahki horses are likely a lot leaner, probably a bit smaller than westerosi horses, but are built for short burst of incredible speed and long distance riding in sweltering heat. Meanwhile the coursers are built more for war, heavy set enough to wearing barding but lean enough to still be quick on their feet and capable of that strong charge that westerosi are so fond of. So... I suppose it would be a slightly smaller horse than the Malroy stock, but a bit bulkier than dothrahki, great with short bursts of charging action.
It's all theory however, I'm not sure how I'd go about it in terms of in game mechanics. Another custom horse Holding? Homebrewed dothrahki and subsequent offspring stat lines? Not entirely sure.

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Wouldn't Jon understand that specifically because Lysa is ''helping'' is the reason we pulled the bastard out from under the carpet?

To a degree yes, but Arryn can't help the overwhelming majority opinion that bastards are scandalous and using them to replace a trueborn child in lofty positions is still a slight to all parties involved. He'd be able to deflect some of the flack, but Lysa would have been an absolute pain about it.
I suppose it doesn't matter much now though, trueborn son in the future is the plan now.

I just got reminded that the Hand and his wife live in King's Landing still. Man I feel dumb.

My plan is to have Lysa Tully kind of bounce back and forth a little, Arryn for the majority stays in King's Landing but will send her back occasionally for "official business". So reasons to get her out of the house in short, particularly after the still births, the first is coming up, so it's going to be a god damn riot when Obella goes all smug mode on her.

I kind of figured on the Obella thing, but people seemed to confuse Obella not wanting to be a baby making machine to mean she didn't want a large family. Probably just different interpretations of the same idiom.

Yeah I saw that and I hope I cleared it up in game. Obella would like a big family, I believe I mentioned her ideal was two or three, but would be entirely fine with five over the stretch of her 20s into early 30s. She'll definitely tease Brynden over it but she's the type who will care deeply for her children, so a big family will work out for her too.

Wouldn't consecutive pregnancies be pretty risky anyway?

From my limited knowledge of the subject, yes. I believe it leads to premature birth, low birth weight and smaller birth size. Not to mention the dangerous to the mother's body that often time needs 18-24 months to recover from the shock of the pregnancy and replenish itself.
Either way, Obella has her own agenda outside of the children so it would be a bit of a gap regardless.

I'm not sure if this had gotten answered in the last thread but couldn't we give Lysa our King's Landing bastard? I don't think that Brynden would be up for it but it's an interesting solution.

Hm... I honestly hadn't even thought about Dorian as a possible solution. I feel like I could allow that, with some provisions.
One, and most obviously, you'd have to acknowledge him. Not particularly difficult to do.
Two, he'd need to be raised properly, which might require some money spent here and there. You could bring him back to King's Landing to grow up in the Manor, or to Steadhold so you could raise him, or talk to someone in the Maidenpool and get him a place in House Mooton. Little bit of money here or there could see Cecilia married to a low ranking Knight and a place in their Household.
Three, talk to Dontos about it and understand that it will be a relatively negative event all around. Bastards are considered scandalous, even lowborn ones. Having one come out just after you get married is going to get some head's shaking. Including your uncles. He'll likely brood about it for awhile.
Four, understand that while Lord Jon Arryn will see the cleverness in using your bastard to pull one over on his wife that Lady Lysa Tully will not be amused and will see it as a slight. In her eyes she's doing you a favor by fostering a child, even if its to feed her ego. She's vaguely aware of Brynden's relationship with the Hand, and what happened in Dorne. Part of her reason for wanting to foster a child was because it was a "put you in your place" thing keep the Malroys under the thumb of the Crown with a "hostage". Lysa thinks she's helping, but Arryn will know such a thing would only incite Brynden and lead to more distrust.
And fifth, understand you won't really be getting much out of the deal. Yeah the situation is weird in that technically speaking a child of yours growing up with a Lord Paramount is a great boon for any Household, but a bastard child? Not so much. He'll have a rough go of it with Lysa Tully's descent into madness and the age difference between himself and Sweet Robin will hurt. You might end up getting backlash for your son "hurting" him and then all sorts of rumors will pop up about Malroy stock, and the usual bastard allegations. Dorian might even grow to resent Brynden, just because he'll feel pawned off.
But yeah, scenario is a bit odd. But it's manageable. Lysa Tully did say, "A child of yours to be fostered in the Eyrie..." never specified if they were true or natural born.

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Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

So just to clarify, Obella is not against have a lot of kids, just having them one after another?

Basically yes. Obella wanted 3 children, 5 shouldn't be too hard to convince her of. She just wants them to be spaced out a bit, because she wants to do things other than just be 'bare foot and pregnant'. She is still a spy after all.

Does Lady Mellario shave her head? I think it says in the World of Ice and Fire book Norvosi women do that for religious purposes.

You know I really don't know. The wiki doesn't say anything and she's such a footnote in the books that I don't believe its ever been mentioned. I'd say there is likely a good chance and she wears a wig while dealing with Westerosi. At least in the Malroy canon.

Before any major timeskips, could we have a thread where we go to Essos and get the dragonbone bow? And maybe kill the bastard who's been trying to kill us?

The plan, right now, is to do the trip to Lys a couple months after deal with Royce and tidying everything up. Do it as a celebration/vacation/honey moon type ordeal. Now Lys is an island so there isn't a good chance we'll be able to deal with Tychano Osten then.
I'm not going to reveal my plans for Tychano yet. His story isn't over yet is all I'll say.

So do you have cool characters in mind for Mason's kids? Victus threads later down the road will be great with all the new kids showing up. Mason's, Lucas's etc

I have plans for a single boy from Mason, he's someone I've written before elsewhere, just got retooled. He's a favorite of mine, hope he ends up as Brynden's next squire when he's of age. Maybe even Victus'? Probably will end up being great friends with Brynden's kids.
I just remembered I planned on Lucas and Racheal getting pregnant soon. Need to find that in my notes. No real plans for their kids yet.

Victus is a greenseer, isnt he ? That or Azor Ahai

Nope to neither, but one is further down the track than the correct answer.

I could imagine Victus going to a squire melee, fall in love with a noble girl waaay above him and maybe starting a secret and forbidden romance

As much as it would amuse me he'd be 13 at that time and while he'll have some of his father in him Victus wouldn't be so quick to fall in love.
I have however thought about him growing a crush on someone, and it not working out for obvious reasons. And have Dontos take that fatherly, 'not every story has a fairytale ending' role. Just things I've bounced around.

will we ever get the chance to do the dirty with Giselle?

I still haven't thought of a good way to reintroduce her to the story. I want to, but she's served, and failed at, her purpose with Arryn. And at this point I imagine Grover is just wanting to get something of worth in the Vale. (I'd actually be open to her getting hitched to someone from Iron&Hate if Page wants to use the poor girl for something.)
Anyway, I feel like even if the chance came up, the user base would be against it. As evidenced by the backlash about the Brune girl Will roll. Giselle would be less inclined to try now as well, as time goes on she'll begin to fear Obella because she can be damn frightening when she wants to be. Particularly if someone she loves is involved. So in short, maybe? But it's really doubtful at this point.

>Brynden having to raise children is going to be an affair because he is just too soft for them. All of them.// So Obella is the disciplinarian? That's going to be funny and horrifying.

It's kind of funny, but yes that's almost exactly what would happen. Obella's great at playing that playful flirty type but when it comes to business she's all in, with her children she'll be the perfect mother, but will expect a lot from them as they grow up and will do what she needs to. Even if Brynden thinks it too harsh.
I imagine Brynden will know when he needs to be firm, but his kids, his family, are everything to him. Page actually said it best, Victus makes Brynden human, being around him softens him eases the pain of the world, and calms him down. It's why he still wants to help Dorian, and why he'll be a softer touch and more likely to spoil his children with Obella. That Family motivation is Brynden's strongest characteristic I feel. And it'll be fun as hell in the future.

You talked about the horrors that would happen if our firstborn is a girl. I think i have managed to think of something far, far worse. Twin girls.

I actually considered doing twins, but didn't want to do the same thing that Page did. Out of respect for him and Iron & Hate. That and twins are just not common in the Malroy family.
But Seven help us all if Brynden had twin girls. They would play him like a fiddle. Brynden having to raise children is going to be an affair because he is just too soft for them. All of them.

Brynden revealed that Obella is carrying his child. That ought to make the rumor mill go spinning over why exactly Brynden and Obella is marrying, whats the word outthere and how is Giselle taking it if she knows ?

Not as much as you would think. The news is mostly localized as of right now, your allies and House are aware, and your neighbors are vaguely aware. The Crown is aware because Varys knows, but it isn't something entirely out of the norm. Brynden and Obella were betrothed, so technically Brynden had the right, wouldn't be the first time it has happened, just a bit out of the ordinary is all. And most people that are aware would more place the blame on Obella since she is Dornish, and those aware of Brynden's past wouldn't really see it being too out of the ordinary.
Quentyn wasn't aware of their relationship, obviously, but when Obella told him he kind of put two and two together, finally figuring out why Obella was so keen on Brynden. And most of the party coming with were more happy rather than gossipy. It's the Dornish, what do you expect?
There is a bit of rumormill going about in the circles of King's Landing, but it's so small it is barely noteworthy. Just your typical gossip, calling Obella a Dornish temptress, Lady's not pleased with a large gathering of Dornish Lords and Ladies being so close by, etc. etc. It's really just small petty things. Giselle is actually entirely unaware, while her brother is back in King's Landing, she's actually in the Eyrie right now. Grover and Jon are hoping they can find a proper match for her there after the Brynden and Dorne debacles.

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Ever thought about the unfortunate naming of our sister due to recent real life political events ?

I think i mentioned it once in thread bit it always makes me laugh. Isis has been a character of mine for awhile, and i probably should have changed the name for the quest, but I'm just attached to the character/name

Who do you think Brynden would side with in the War of the Five Kings?

So I never specified who they sided with in my RL group, they mostly assumed Brynden gritted his teeth and fought for Joffrey.
Personally, I always saw Brynden supporting Renly Baratheon, alongside the Reach and most of the Stormlands. Stannis is too ridged for him. He detests the Lannisters and how much influence they have over Joffrey. And Robb and Balon are just not on the table for him as valid options. Beyond that once Renly becomes master-of-law I can see them getting along, Brynden's Tourneys would be a nice little jaunt down the road for him and the Knight of Flowers in the future.
Introducing Lord Mathis Rowan and attending the Tourney in Highgarden is my way of rebuilding the relations between House Malroy and the Reach again. Historically speaking the Malroys have always maintained a healthy relationship with the Reach, primarily the Tyrells (they like the horses). And it's very likely during the later 290's Loras and Renly will show up at any Tourney Brynden holds, solidifying relations further. So it would make sense for Brynden to reopen those relations and would probably be more inclined to side them during the War of the Five Kings and throw his support behind Renly.
On a war front, Steadhold is about as important to the western approach as the Twins are in the Riverlands. The Lannister-Tyrell alliance after Renly's death will need to cross through Steadhold to advance on King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater (I believe Randyll Tarly and Mathis Rowan meet the Lannister host somewhere in that region), and it's very likely Brynden would follow after the Reach and rejoin the King's Peace once Renly dies. There are likely quite a few people that would like Steadhold as a staging ground during the entirety of the conflict, and Brynden going over to Renly's side during it would cripple Lannister and western Crownlands support for a good bit. So again I'd see them courting him heavily to do so, Renly and Loras both making an effort.
Quick thoughts on it, Dontos would likely want to support Stannis. But after the burning of the Sept, he'd be out and either support keeping the King's Peace or side with Renly. Obella would prefer to stay neutral in the conflict, but can see the benefits of allying with Renly, would detest Stannis, and would only want to send the absolute bare minimum to help Joffrey (which is about as neutral as one can get). Victus would want to support Stannis as well, but again would drop after the burning of the Sept. And depending upon his location and allegiances he may side with any number of the Kings. He's an interesting situation.

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You know what the real tragedy with the whole spy thing is ? Brynden didnt even get to sleep with either of the, Whats the word among the small-folk in Steadhold and the surrounding lands and are they all looking forward to the wedding ? Just how devestated is Cecilia?

I was sort of surprised Brynden never slept with Elionwy, she was all for it before her thing with Mason. With the fake Nera I had planned for her to be the one that tried to sleep with Brynden if he failed the Will test during the Melee in Steadhold, but that would have lead to some other messy stuff. Probably for the better it didn't happen.
The smallfolk in Steadhold are relatively happy, they would prefer to see their Lord spend more on repairing their homes and industry rather than Tourneys and likely lands abroad but it hasn't gotten to a point of discontent yet. In the rest of the House's domains the population is really thin so there really isn't a lot of opinion on what is going on. They just go ahead and perform their duties, like tending to the herds and the fields on the Violet Plains, cutting timber in Hemgrove and... Huh that's it. Malroy has surprisingly little industry, the horses seem to drive industry more than anything. Regarding the Wedding they are looking forward to it, because they like parties, rumors are about though that the House is gearing up for war however, so the people are nervous.
Always with the Cecilia questions. She's pretty broken up right now, but Dorian is helping a lot. She left her mother's home and is planning on moving out of King's Landing soon, Rickard might have had a hand in that. Maidenpool seems a good place for her. She'll be a good mother and in time will manage, but right now is the most difficult time of her life. Poor girl.

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