
The Father

Ask @RevengeGoldQM

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Think it may be a good idea if Obella and that woman from Lys met. It may start to show that their marriage isnt just sunshine, butterflies and good sex anymore but actually requires work

Don't get me wrong I've definitely considered it and still am. I think we need to get of the honeymoon period here soon with there marriage, and that's partially because I want to start writing Obella as I had when we first met her again, and that would be a good place to start. And I kind of do want to introduce Brynden's Lysensi mistress because she is an interesting person and their daughter would be equally.
But on the same token there was some call for Brynden getting to chill out for once and not have a negative end to every thread and I can see where they're coming from. I'm considering doing two threads with the Lys trip and I might be able to do both but I wonder what sort of reactions I'd get to ending the whole trip on a negative

I take it Obella is spending a lot of time in the Sept praying to the Seven that her idiot husband wont get himself killed ?

She's a bit leery of Septon Tytos still, so she avoids the Sept except for mass and when Tytos is about the town helping in the refugees camp. That being said, yes she has been there a bit more, all of the Seven are getting prayers rather than her usual two.

Just how did Obella find out about the secret trunk ? Did Illiad and Mason just mention it in passing or something ?

Obella has some interrogation skills, as we've seen, though less cruel of course. She tricked Illiad into talking about it after the Braavos conversation. Illiad panicked and pawned it off on Mason and he broke pretty quickly mentioning with a vague hand wave that Brynden kept all of his Essos stuff in a trunk somewhere around the castle and then ran for his life. She's been on the hunt ever since.

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Wait a second. Now that Brynden is gone Obella wanted to see his Wanted Poster. Does that mean she will go through his stuff and find his box of "favours" ?

Haha Probably not. She'll make a valiant effort in finding it at least. But to no avail, unless she starts snooping around in the stable's undercroft, which is ridiculously unlikely.

What's Brynden's rep in the reach, more Sellsword or lord?

Depends upon who you ask. The Reachlords closer to the Crownlands probably know Brynden a bit better by word of mouth, just a Lord doing his thing up there, has that sellsword background. They wouldn't really know much either way because most Lords don't make it a point to care when they have there own shit going on. Then, as evidenced by Lord Redwyne, there are people that don't even know who Brynden is, let alone his reputation. Just vague knowledge like Donold was next in line because he was shopping around for a wife at the time before the Rebellion and that's all the more they really know.
Again it's a mixed bag. Reputation is mostly a localised thing. On the whole and abroad it's House reputation that people seem to be aware of.

Are Obella and Brynden going to have the whole "Girls can't inherit even if they are firstborn" argument eventually? Unless we only ever have girls. That's the only way to avoid it.

Kind of sort of. Obella is aware of the differences in Dorne and the Westeros at large. She doesn't like it much but knows her history too, the Dance of the Dragons and Great Council of 101AC didn't happen for nothing. She's just not a fan of it is all. Obella has expressed that she doesn't want to just fade into the background, she wants to do more with her life than just be the wife. The same thing can be said for her wants for children.

>>Nah Obella is dornish. Lorelei would be next in line as far as she's concerned. Oh what a mighty iron fisted rule that would be.// I was not refering to ruling the family. But speaking of Dornish courts and the like. She will have to realise and live with the fact taht she is no longer in Dorne.

Oh... OH. You're a sick person anon. Haha
She will but Obella doesn't have the arrogant trait as her vice for nothing. She pretty firmly believes Dornish tradition and law is better. She'll accept it over time just don't expect her to like it. Not every couple agrees totally on everything, Brynden and Obella aren't exempt from that.

>>Obella likes Victus, thinks he's a sweet kid of a bit naive for the world he now lives in. She was very amused by his flirting with Arianne Martell. She'd foster that friendship further happily if Brynden okays it.// inb4 Brynden dies and Obella grooms Victus to take his place

Nah Obella is dornish. Lorelei would be next in line as far as she's concerned. Oh what a mighty iron fisted rule that would be.

How much in common does Brynden have with his great grandfather Garin Malroy ?

Haha A lot actually. Garin was very much on the side of the coin that Brynden fell on. He even has the bastard child to prove it. If you look through the family tree you'll find a handful of people that Brynden definitely shares some traits with. As for being the actual Lord of the House, Garin was the most recent barring Brynden. Everyone else was like Dontos, or like Vamos where they grounded themselves on purpose.

Do you think there is any chance that any of Bryndens daughters end up being like Gatehouse Ami ? Dont think the poor man's heart could handle that

Not quite as bad as she is but Obella does come from a culture where sexual promiscuity isn't as looked down upon. And she tends to keep a somewhat dornish court and will want her children to be aware of who they are.
But then we have Brynden, sharpening his long sword at the other end of the empty grand hall as they come to pick up his daughters for prom. So... Won't have to worry about it much.

Is lady Vyrwel going to say mean things about us to all her friends now ? :(

Hahaha A little bit of petty gossip should be expected. Nothing Brynden can't wave off with a, "She was drunk. I can't help if she was falling over her self or coming onto a married man. Not like half of Westeros didn't know." It's her more bravado than sense brother that is going to be the problem.

Will Lorelei get Blood of the Andals or Blood of Valyria ?

Valyria. I, generally, have always written it as the father's blood takes precedence. Unless the mother is very, very different. The Malroys have interbred with Andals a lot over the years, didn't cause them to lose who they are.

You said you had some premade personalities for our children which you roll for. Could tell us what they are ?

I could, but I won't. I don't want everyone to get attached to one in particular and then it never come up. Or groups of people starting to lobby for something I've left for chance or get pissy when one they don't like ends up being picked. So yeah, we're going to avoid that and just leave it a mystery.

What's Obella's opinion of Victus, and vice versa?

Obella likes Victus, thinks he's a sweet kid of a bit naive for the world he now lives in. She was very amused by his flirting with Arianne Martell. She'd foster that friendship further happily if Brynden okays it.
Victus is much of the same. But he tends to hold mother figures at arms length because he just isn't use to them and with how often Brynden would sleep around in Essos he just got use to the revolving door. He's not really sure if the whole thing is going to last but is happy his father seems happy for once. He is, in general, very interested by Obella, her culture and 'job' are both points of interest for him.

Night's watch quest? I'd rather a sellsword/Hedge knight quest

I've considered both of those as well. One of my biggest ideas is doing something in far east Essos. Maybe out by the Five Forts that crazy batshit region of Essos. I have a general time period and character outside of our current timeline so we don't get any crossover. If I ever ran a side quest it would be outside the general scope of your typical /tg/ stuff and just go into overdrive with the insanity of the greater world of Planetos.

we'll get to Bronn it up at the trial right?

Actually, the option will be there yes. Brynden brought along all of his gear so before the trial we'll do a vote on what we want to bring into battle.

I feel you hamstringed Giselle as a choice, I mean I thought she was basically inferred to be Vyrwel 1.0, meanwhile the HDW gets to be an amazing spy and women who doesn't even have to sleep around as a yeah it can be argued she's demanding and an absentee mother but she's not even pushy.

You are 100% right. I fucked up Giselle and I'd readily admit that. If I could do it again I definitely would, it's one of those things that if I could go back or start over I'd do it entirely differently. Her worth as a wife was below Obella, her usefulness was below Obella, and her intereactions with Brynden weren't as meaningful or impactful as Obella's were.
The problem is I had Obella and Helena Celtigar properly fleshed out. When I bumbled the latter I had to put together a replacement and Giselle was born. She didn't get the quality fleshing out I had dedicated to the others, nor did I have a proper time or location to intro her that actually would be memorable like Obella or Helena's would have been. I also didn't get to intro the stuff she's particularly good at, which is mostly trade and money making related. So I really didn't give her even ground against Obella in that regard either.
Then the whole Dorne episode. I knew after that there wasn't any damn way that someone would pick Giselle and honestly I just kind of wanted to get the marriage over with so I could stop feeling like I was just blowing it with Giselle as an option.
So yeah. Overall I dropped the ball on Giselle. She really wasn't Vyrwel 1.0, as she actually had some uses outside of being a baby machine that came with a pile of money. But I didn't give her the proper time or events to actually make her a viable option and that is something I've always felt I failed at in the quest.
As for Obella. She hasn't had to be pushy yet, for the most part she's gotten her way and Brynden hasn't ignored her much. If he did or started to do things she didn't like she would get very pushy or just outright do her own thing in spite of Brynden. The marriage is still in the honeymoon period, so things are smooth and loving right now. But that isn't to say Obella has forgotten that one of her children is going to be fostered off to a women she detests.
Obella use to sleep around though, before Brynden was a handful of people and it was entirely for spying purposes. Now, she's the leader of a cabal of spies so she doesn't have to do the grunt work she just coordinates and collects the information. That's why she doesn't have to sleep with people now, it's partially a Doran respecting her wishes to be monogamous with Brynden.

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what is our reputation like right now also what are the reputations of the big seven houses leaders?

Reputation on the whole is your typical Malroy, warfare orientated with a lot of horses and with well governed, bandit free land. The House has been stereotyped into that for a long time now, but the local population is more aware of the difference in the Malroys based upon Lord. Emmon Malroy was a very stern and serious man and ruled hard. Vamos was a bit more like Brynden, which is two generations of Lords with a bit of a reputation for their outside activities but hold together a surprisingly well governed House. Brynden personally has a reputation for being quick to combat, fostering war culture and warfare in general, between the Princewood, his multiple Trials by Combat, and the Tourneys at home. But all of them have ended well for him so he's beginning to pick up a bit of a reputation for being a good leader. Some attribute this to his time in Essos running with sellsword companies, others to his blood as a Malroy.

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It has already been one day at the feast in the reach and Brynden hasnt even flirted or slept with someones wife yet. Obella must be disappointed in her boring man!

I got you man.

How's recovery treating you? Spend some time world building for Malroy Quest?

Relatively well, I wasn't allowed to use my computer too much when I was in the hospital, they didn't want me straining my eyes too much after the surgery. But now that I'm home I'm doing a lot better.
I did however get a good bit of time to update some stuff in the Malroy History document. Mostly historical events. The longer the quest goes on and the more little things I do like the map and the family lineage the more stuff I tend to add or fix to that document. It's actually gotten kind of bad, that document is over 30 pages now and there is still a lot of stuff I need and want to add. If someone read the document at the beginning of the quest and read it now with all the supplements it would almost be another thing entirely. God I've put so much time into this, but it's really a labor of love now.

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Can you bring up finding a suitor for Cecilia when we get back from Highgarden?

I'm thinking about it. Though it would end up with Cecilia having a bit of a rough go of it again.

Never did a scene regarding Fairbanks and the disbanding of the Prince's Resistance

Yeah I never did. I felt like I was drawing out stuff at home too much before the Tourney so I just ended up skipping it. I think I'll just say Mason handled it and it went alright, not great, not bad, just alright. I wanted to make it a bigger point but time prevented me from doing it properly.

So how was Dontos and Lady Chelsted's wedding night ? Do they sleep in the same bed ? How are things going for them from day to day ? What is the word about them in the Chelsted Castle ?

Uneventful, given the marriage was such a small affair that Brynden only happened upon. It was a bound by the Faith and little else sort of event. Brynden didn't push Dontos to make it a big affair afterwards and they were luckily able to avoid the whole bedding mess.
They do not, Alexes sleeps in the same room as her son and Dontos tends to stay up late into the night and sleep somewhere in their barracks.
It's a productive relationship at least. Alexes and Dontos are both fully aware of the purpose behind the marriage, Rodner gets the protection he needs until he is old enough. Chelsted gets the proper military leader it needs and Alexes gets to kick out all of those suitors and get to governing properly.
The word about the castle is the marriage is loveless, the rumors about Dontos being homosexual have followed him there, not helped by him spending a lot of time in the barracks. Alexes is relatively good at keeping the word about the castle quiet and gossip to a minimum but on the whole the castle wouldn't be surprised if Alexes never has another child.

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Will we ever meet our old knight Ser Sunglass and/or his daughter ? Could be a interesting conversation him and Brynden could have.

I've been trying to figure out a way to at least include them. Lady Sunglass is already married with children so she doesn't really care too much about Brynden now. Ser Sunglass is sort of in broken old man mode now, the Rebellion wasn't kind to him.
Actually thinking on it I have the perfect place where to introduce them. Thank you Bobby B and your incessant need to party.

"Pulling out" is a totally foreign concept to Brynden, isnt it ?

Hahaha Entirely. Brynden doesn't do a lot of thinking when it comes to, "How does baby form?" You don't get to 5 children otherwise.


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