
The Father

Ask @RevengeGoldQM

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How old were Brynden and Lysa when they met ?

Brynden was 14. Lysa was 16. They fell in love quickly and Lysa became pregnant within a few months of their meeting. They fled to Essos with Victus when Brynden was 15 near the end of that year.

Goddamn it Father. You sure love tormenting that poor Seamstress girl. Just how was her life before she met Brynden, what was her hopes and dreams ?

It's a very purposefully done thing at this point. The disparity between low and Noble life is something that very rarely gets touched upon in GoT quests, hell any and all mentions of her and Dorian is purely background fluff that IC Brynden is totally unaware of. Writing her story is something that helps fill out the world so that things aren't just the House and its issues, the same could be said for Rafe Roper and his sister. Its not something Brynden is totally aware of but it's there to fill out of the commonfolk Brynden has in his employ. Worsh and Oylver also fit into that, probably the lowest born people that Brynden personally knows the name of.
All of that being said Cecilia is definitely getting the rawest deal out of them all. Her life before want perfect, she was just an apprentice seamstress with a judgmental mother. It was a quaint simple life, but compared to now it's fair to say she'd have preferred the old days. Heart broken with only the product of a few nights of passion to show for it. Estranged from her family in a new city where she only knows a handful of people. The coin is there to live, but she constantly worries it'll stop coming some day if Brynden loses interest, dies, or some similar terrible life event. And then what does she fall back on? Half finished seamstress training? Prostituting? These are the things that keep her up at night, gives cause to weep and worry during those long nights when Dorian won't sleep. She's still pretty and has her youth, there are those that covet her and not in a kindly way and she feels exposed and unsafe during her day to day with no one to fall back on. Not to mention she's hard pressed to let someone close, still being half in love with Brynden. All of that and the fact that at her heart she feels and maybe even knows Brynden doesn't care all that much and is married and happy now. Well suffice to say she's had some hard times.
At the beginning I never intended for her to be so tragic I swear.

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Was Brynden also troublesome as a baby ? Dorian may have gotten that from him

Yeah a little bit, the only one of the four siblings that was even half the angel Lorelei is, was Pastorn. Lorelei is a rarity from the Malroy bloodline. Pretty strong chance Dorian is taking after his father.

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Could we arrange for Rickard Wence to find a suitable husband for Cecillia. A knight of some kind. With a sufficent dowry (read: bribe) i am sure we could find someone to look after her and Dorian.

You guys definitely could. Now to be certain he likely wouldn't be much more than a Hedge Knight, at best you could set her up with a Household Knight in Maidenpool. Also the anonymous dowry (read: bribe), likely wouldn't exceed a few hundred dragons. Probably more money then that Knight will ever see. Wouldn't be a bad idea to vet a few guys, get someone set up in the future to guide Dorian and won't be a dickass to him.
Really depends upon how much people want to be involved in Dorian's life. Brynden at the basic level we're at is just making sure mother and child are comfortable and able to eat. The cost to him is negligible, his personal accounts handle it. If we want to put anything else to it he'll likely have to pull from House resources.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

This is probably a dumb question, but are Unsullied stat-ed in the RPG? If so, how good are they?

As far as I am aware, no, not officially at least. You can somewhat put together what sort of force they'd be from a throwaway line.
From A Song of Ice and Fire Role Playing - A Game of Thrones Edition, Page 110:
"Elite: Exceptionally rare and expensive, elite units have the benefit of extensive training, vast experience, and an identity that invokes fear in those who must face them. Examples include the Brave Companions, the Unsullied, and the Brotherhood without Banners."
Personal assumption is a unit of Unsullied would be considered an Elite Infantry unit, more than likely with the melee and armor upgrades as well. There isn't any single instance of a named Unsullied, such as Grey Worm, being stated out as a primary, secondary, or tertiary character. So I can say for certain what they would look like as a character.

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How is the word at court over recent events ? The wedding, princewood episode and so on ?

Princewood didn't get too much of a reaction. A historically war renowned House taking quick action to go to war, even if in a minor way? Yeah not that surprising for most of the Crownlands or King's Landing. Especially when most are just aware of Brynden on a cursory level still assumes he's the sellsword playing at Lord.
The wedding was a fucking treat. Want to talk about nervous tension in the air, there you go. But of course, Doran fucking Martell in all of his thoughtfulness sent a lovely letter to the Crown explaining that the dornish host had nothing but the best of intentions to celebrate a wedding of historical proportion and as climax to the successful peace talks only months prior. It soothed the right people, but you know the wrong people still have a chaffed ass about Brynden being so bold. Robert was able to drink it off, forgotten within a day. Bannermen do as bannermen do. Arryn was contented by the letter. The Queen did her prissy little upturned lip thing and fucked her brother, you know whatever. Speaking of need to time that out here soon.
The court at large of course turned into a maelstrom of rumors and hearsay, from the second coming of the Targaryens to dornish witches and their man stealing ways. The typical rabble noise.

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You know Lorelei's nanny is just going to end up being one of the Sons. They're clearly the best equipped for it.

As of right now there is a handful of people Obella trusts to even go near her daughter. Brynden, obviously. Quentyn and Quellon, her brothers. Her lady-in-waiting, Sybelle Sand. And, surprisingly, for Brynden, Illiad. She's become quick and fast friends with one of Brynden's oldest and closest friends and given his former life was as a house slave for some two decades he is very aware of how to take care of children, including newborns. Illiad, amusingly, would make a great nanny. The others are just the best god damn twenty good dads you could ever ask for.

Just how awkward was it when Wilson stepped off the boat and had to tell everyone waiting at the docks that Brynden werent coming ? Just how were everyones reaction ?

It wasn't awkward so much as it was an incredibly tense situation. Wilson had to ride home alone, deliver the news to his father at court and then deal with a verbal and very public lashing from his father for having screwed it all to hell. Then they got into an argument over the specifics, how Ardrian basically wanted to banner House Malroy by indebting them, essentially selling his daughter, etc. etc. Wilson is too idealistic, he thought Brynden would be more easily swayed to his side, it was a better story he thought. So in the end it just ended up a very large and public fight. Not a week later Wilson, Helena, and Willas disappeared.
I'd count that all as IC knowledge, Lucerys would have been aware of it all.

How has King's Landing and Lysa been treating our sister ?

A whole lot of ehhhh. Isis finds Lysa gossipy oblivious nature tiresome, the same can be said for sewing circles, court life and just general King's Landing shenanigans. So many of the young women there are just 'yes people/ass-kissers' surrounding the Queen or Lysa Tully and Isis sees right through them all but her blunt honest regarding the subject is hardly appreciated.
All of that being said she is well aware of Brynden having somewhat betrayed his newly wed wife's trust by making the decision so she's making due with the situation. Having the newborn twins is helping her get a bit of time alone, though that's hardly... Pleasant. They're not as chill as Lorelei is, probably got the worst of their father and mother in that regard. And Isis is totally alone in handling them barring a wet nurse. It's a rough go of things, but better than dealing with a murderous, rapist 'husband'.

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You know what would be hilarious ? In 16-18 years Lorelei falling in love with a charming knight named Dorian of Maidenpool Speaking of which. How is the little guy ?

Not hilarious for Lorelei's parents, not even a little, seeing as they are both aware of this charming young Knight's parentage. Even so, not like Brynden would allow her the chance to meet her, I have the highest expectation the moment Obella brings up the 'marriage talk' regarding his little girl every Lord, Ser and/or whatever you may call yourself is going to be examined up and down, back and front, every which way. And still be deemed unworthy. It'll be great fun.
Dorian is alright I suppose. He's doing what any baby would do, Rickard Wence's sister is helping Cecilia in her young lonely motherhood. At least they aren't wanting for much. Would do her better to get married though.

What has Dorian been up to ? Behaves as nicely as Lorelei ?

He's what, 5 months old now? What on earth do children that young even do really? Hell Lorelei is only a couple of weeks, she's about as much of an angel as you can expect a newborn to be, as in not very. Poor Obella.
As for behavior Dorian is a little devil, doesn't sleep too well and his poor mother doesn't know how to get him down. Sign of things to come? Who knows.

Out of curiosity, are we ever going to see smut in this quest again? I assumed you'd write some for Brynden's wedding night but it's all been ftb since Dorne.

Well it depends.
I'm not going to say a flat no at all, but the way I've done smut so far is using it to frame a scene, bringing that extra bit of emotional charge to a particular scene or character. As it happens that's exclusively been Obella. My rule has been if it's unnecessary for the scene then I'm not going to include gratuitous lewd scenes just for the sake of lewd scenes. That's why you got the 'fade to black' after the wedding. Also because I wasn't about to write a pregnant woman sex scene, that might have been a bit too weird for some people.
So in short, I'm not going to say a flat not, it's definitely something I could see myself doing again but if it isn't necessary I likely won't include it until I feel it's appropriate. All of that being said I too have thought it's been a long while since I've done one, I have a good idea where I could throw in a little bit of married life love making and it not being just senseless lewd.

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Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

So what does Redward think of us, does he fear us, hate us, love us?

Hate. With an absolute burning passion, hate. Very chip on his shoulder type. He literally only knows anger the past couple of months.

Shame what happend to Joffrey Flowers. Must be a curse over Asoiaf quests. Can only be one at the time

Shame about that and House Gauthier. I was very into the concept of both those Quests. You'd think with how much of a mess my quest has been the past month the /tg/ gods would be kind, shame it is not so.

We never opened any letters last thread huh?

Sure as hell didn't. But only because I didn't get to the tower scene. You'll see what I mean next thread.

Is Giselle secretly plotting her revenge against all those who has wronged her ?

Giselle is currently too busy worrying about her wedding to be plotting the downfall of all man kind. Maybe once she's done with that

Who is gonna watch after Lorelei when Obella goes on mission in a few months time ? We gotta find a nanny of some kind

You know that's a good question. Obviously Brynden will have a hand in it, but he's a busy man. I should do a scene where Obella is picking the nanny with Brynden's help. That should prove amusing.

This overcrowding thing is just your fancy QM way to make us focus on building instead of warring isn't it?

Haha Little bit yeah. Not only that but last month you guys jumped 9 Population in one go, it seemed a viable bit of the world reacting to the things you guys have done. I've been trying to include more of that, the world shaping and moving to the things you've done. After the Princewood, Royce is going to be licking his wounds for a little bit, so it makes sense to focus on home a bit in the downtime.

I know it'd be expensive but could we make a ridiculously big Greenhouse for those finer things? I like the idea of steadhold being a fortress with a decadent heart once we restore it.

In my eyes the Greenhouses are somewhat large to begin with, I really do need to sketch out Steadhold's grounds so you guys can get a general feel for what I'm talking about. I'd say if you invested into the Greenhouse upgrade then you'd pretty much have what you're asking for.
As for a decadent heart I'm not sure what all you guys should pick up for that. You only have two more Lifestyle Holdings slots left. And I figure at least one of them will be the Solar. A Chapel, Gardens or Court might be good picks. Obella would like any of those. For the Lifestyle Holdings a lot of the time I'm just having Obella head up those interests. She's use to Sunspear, Steadhold by comparison is cold and unwelcoming.

>>Likely not, mostly because she's already justified it in her head. If it ever comes out it'll probably be by a third party.// I can imagine it may be a bit of a hit to their relationship if Brynden ever finds out.

It very well may. We know Brynden isn't fond of being used. The reactions to Giselle being a pawn of Arryn is more than reason enough to believe that. I suppose it depends mostly upon who the third party is, and what specifically they say and when. I haven't really thought about where to introduce that point yet. If at all.

Is it Possible to go full Tywin in regards to redfucks spawn? basically ''you may be my blood but I will make every effort to make your lives miserable''

I mean yeah, it's an option, it's possible. Isis will be furious of course, but it is an option.

For a Valyrian house i am dissapointed in the lack of incest. Atleast Mors Malroy knows whats up

I think Mors married his brother's son's daughter, I have no idea what that makes him, great uncle? That was an odd situation.
But yeah the Malroys have for centuries enjoyed a healthy relationship with the Faith. And while the Targaryens get away with it, the Malroys were never ones to really dabble in it, outside of that one occasion. And if you look in the History of the House you'll see that line didn't exactly turn out so great.

Was Maester Arban really that sexy? Never read Bordain.

Hahaha I have absolutely no idea. I don't think Page every really gave a physical description or made a point of it. The thought just made me laugh.

What exactly would had happend if Brynden had not married Obella, lets say he ended up with Giselle or someone else. How would they and the rest of the family react ?

I would have lowered the odds on Obella getting pregnant. Once we decided on the marrying Obella when I did the d6 roll it was 1,2,5,6 was pregnancy as opposed to only 3,4 it would have been had Giselle been picked. I wanted it to be a plot point, but I wasn't going to force it on you guys too hard.
Had Obella became pregnant and Brynden went with Giselle. No one would have known. Obella would have pretty much went to ground and Brynden wouldn't hear a word about it for a long while. I've alluded to it in the past but there are a lot more reasons why Obella took the assignment than has been revealed in full.

Obella's brother is still in steadhold right ? Hope he likes his new niece and that our squire like his cousin

Both of her brothers are around right now, Quentyn and Quilleon are both going to get some time with their new niece. Arron is going to be a big fan, first cousin he's had and he gets to be around to see her grow up. Somber kid is going to turn out to be a pretty good 'older brother' type.


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