
The Father

Ask @RevengeGoldQM

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Would Obella see Visenya as a rival to Lorelei ?

That's an interesting question.
Of all of Brynden's baseborn children Visenya is the one with the most inherit power and potential. Backed by a powerful Lysensi trade family, a mother with political capital to spare, and a wide, diverse and comprehensive education. As of right now Visenya is considered the heiress to the Orlisis fortune and as a girl of ten she is very aware of this fact and that her mother has spared no expense in assuring that it remains as such. So in those regards, Obella would likely see Visenya and her mother as rivals. But when it comes to Westerosi law and custom and Brynden's heart she is equally aware that Lorelei has no rivals as the Heir to Steadhold, speaking of the present in that regard. So sort of yes and no.
That all being said, Ysaeria has no interest in Steadhold or Westeros. Of Brynden's older flames she has the most muscle to flex, yet has done nothing to antagonize him or attempt to bring him back into her life, for almost ten years now. Her sights are loftier and House Malroy was a stepping stone, not a pillar of support. She wouldn't however pass up the opportunity to sap power and support from Brynden however, but only if he takes the first step in allowing it.

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Why do i get the omnious feeling that, that arm pain is going to get worse ?

It'll get better before it gets worse, and it made a good narrative reason why he didn't manage to pull off the win. When Brynden is older that arm will be one of those, "Gonna rain, feel it in my bones," type of things. For now he just had a bad bout from a stinger that just hit him the wrong way. Right now he's akin to a young athlete whose able to shrug off the small stuff until finally age, wear and tear all catch up to him.

>How the hell did you guess that so quickly?// It just seems like something you would do Dad, give Brynden more people to be angry at in case his underlying simmering rage ever starts to go out. Not that we're really low on people like that atm.

I actually don't think Brynden will be mad about this one. Rycas is an absolute prick but is hysterically bad at it. Besides Brynden was well aware Obella had gotten around a bit prior to marrying him, I've never seen anywhere where it, seriously, mattered to anyone.
Mostly Rycas is meant to be comic relief and to give Obella a bit of backstory. You'll see, not another enemy or person to hate. Rather a spot of fun before the seriousness of the trial.

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Could we use that favor to have Oberyn go easy on Wilas? Not necessarily lose, but not go out of the way to maim him. We know Wilas was pretty battered by the end of our last tilt and we just found out about a possible major trade agreement, so we have incentive to see that isn't jeopardized

I'm going to have to say full stop no. For one very specific reason. It's metagaming to the extreme and I'm not playing that. The trade deal is not reason enough to warrant such a concern, especially because the offer has already been extended and Brynden shouldn't expect that to change outside of the most extreme of circumstances.
Not to mention given the very long conversation had in the last thread regarding the favor I very, VERY much doubt you could convince people to us it in such a way.

Now that we're an anointed knight, will that give Victus even more incentive to be one too?

Very likely yes. Not that he wasn't already pretty firmly on that path as it was but given how much he idolizes his father it'll likely reaffirm the decision and he'll take to it even more than before.
Man we need some quality father/son time with Victus I just now realized.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Did that guy just give us the english long bowmen V sign ? We better trash the shit out of him

Hahaha I'm so glad someone got that. Yep that's exactly what it was and Brynden was very aware of it.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

I assume the guy in the end was the one who took Obella's V-card. Any chance he may run into a bunch of "random ruffians" who beats the everliving shit out of him ?

How the hell did you guess that so quickly?
Yeah Obella and Rycas have a bit of a messy history. You'll kind of see why Obella was attracted to Brynden in the first place after getting to know Rycas.
As for the ruffians... Not that that would be hard to arrange but he is the Head of a House. Even if it's just a Knightly one sworn directly to Sunspear. Perhaps not the best idea to ruffle those feathers. But hey, you guys do you.

How is Obella handling this lonely and tragic time without her Horse Lord to put out that burning flame of passion she has ? That is when Lorelei isnt crying.

She's been too busy being the Lady of Steadhold to particularly notice. Mason is doing a lot of the heavy lifting right now with regards to the military response to the unbannered men on the borders and securing Steadhold but Obella has been holding court a bit more often than Brynden does in an attempt to help placate the people's fears and dole out minor justices to keep the Law in place. Public appearances alongside her handmaidens at the Sept and tent city has helped keep people in line and happy for the most part and that is what's been occupying the majority of her time. With a goal of Love and motivation of Fame she's certainly doing a good job of garnering smallfolk support.
There are still nights though where she misses his warmth in their bed, and his uncanny knack to calm Lorelei down. Obella hates being alone, separated from those she loves, a part of her worries endlessly that Brynden will never come home and that is what eats at her the most when she isn't busy occupying herself with whatever task she can find.

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"Ser Rycas Odarlic" is Dornish for Dead man. RIght ?

After you find out his history with Obella he very well may be.

Poison our weapons for the trial?

I mean you could. Just doesn't sound like a very Brynden thing to do and if you got caught you'd have a lot of flak thrown your way from some of the Reachlords that you've befriended.

Silly Father. Illiad is best girl. Speaking of which, how is he and his gf holding up ?

They're well actually. I should probably mention her at some point, she'd likely get along well with Obella. Illiad isn't really the settle down type, so I wouldn't expect any children to come of it but they're both happy just to have each others company.

Who's best girl, Lorelei or Obella?

Equal. EVERYONE A WINNER. Well at least to Brynden.
Obella is not best girl to quite a few people, her arrogance can really rub people the wrong way. And despite being a very well educated and intelligent woman, her words can come brash and harsh if she really wants something.
Lorelei is an adorable bundle of joy. But there are those among Steadhold that worry Brynden might bend too easily to dornish tradition and a woman might ascend to be Heir of the House. His entire willingness to allow his bastard a respectable place among the Household is a testament to Brynden being less than your typical Westerosi Lord and that gives them cause for concern regarding the future.
So... Both and None. Depends upon who you ask.

I like to imagine that the reason for why Brynden thinks Lorelei is an angle is that he is never around when she is crying or need her diaper changed. Causing him to be "Damn i am awesome at this father stuff"

Surprisingly, no. He had to attend to all of that stuff with Victus personally, going through all of that as a single parent at the age of 15. Even when he was drinking himself silly and staying with Ysaeria Orlisis in Lys he refused to allow her servants to touch him, insisting he take care of his son on his own. Funny enough of the two, Brynden is probably the better and more prepared parent, knowing how to rock Lorelei just the right way to sleep, being capable of feeding her and changing her, etc. Brynden is a hysterically good parent, but when you've been raising a kid since you yourself were practically one with only a bunch of sellswords to help, well you tend to get pretty good at it.
Granted when it comes to raising a child to be good at anything other than shooting the thing real good or being a smoothing talking sellsword he falls short a bit. Intrigue, not his suit, Obella will do much better than him regarding that in the future with the children. Though Brynden does have the leadership qualities, he knows how to steer the ship through the roughest of storms, aka literally everything happening in Steadhold, and lead men in battle, so he can raise a competent heir, assuming they take after their father more.

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What was the name of Eamon's sword anyway?

The House Malroy family sword was called Goldbrand.
It was a bastard sword, the hilt/crossguard were carved to look like a rearing horse on either side with of course the suspected ornate intricate design to fill out the rest, all in gold as you would expect. The Malroy family brand/old House sigil was in the center, that brand actually still lives on to the current generation and all of the Rare Bloodline horses bare it, including Goldsong. I should probably knock up a picture of that... The pommel was a horse's head. The blade itself was your typical Valyrian steel, nothing too special on that one.
It wasn't as much a fighting weapon as it was an item of prestige and ceremony. The Malroys of Valyria made their living off of horses but it wasn't the center pillar of their Household as it is for the current House Malroy. The Malroys of old were dragonriders and Dragonlords, men and women of power and prestige, even if their House was not particularly powerful amongst the other forty odd noble families of Valyria, probably about the area of the Targaryens, sometimes better, sometimes less. The horses were mostly a side trade, but one they were good at and known for, so the horse motif was more common than the dragon motif amongst the family. The slur 'horselord' was common as I'm sure you can imagine. When Aeson came to Dragonstone it was really the only thing he knew, half the time he barely felt Valyrian himself, so he took what he was good at, what he knew and that became the center pillar of the House, the horses were his dragons.

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What are the chances we can get Eamon's sword back? Is that astronomically impossible, or something we could within the span of a decade?

It's lost to time now, more myth than reality at this point. Its not even known if that old family story has any merit outside of Malroy bedtime story and it's been well over 300 years since the sword was lost either to the Doom or Eammon being a shitter.
So in short, it's outside the realm of possibility. Brynden doesn't even harbor any sentiment for the sword outside of the story from his youth that he's just as likely to tell his own children.

Will we be getting to the trial next thread?

I really, really hope to. If we do it will take of the vast bulk of the thread. So prepare for that.

Chances of pulling Oberyn into REVENGE! without calling in the favor? Hell I would kill to just be bros with Oberyn

Ehhh... Not very high. If it was an actual Lannister with some name value or Clegane/Bordain type of person he'd gladly go ahead and help, though more so for his own selfish reasons than anything else.
Oberyn and Brynden have a fair deal in common though. He sees a kindred spirit in Brynden and does not mind his company at all. Talking of sellsword things, horseflesh, and womanflesh are topics they could easily slip into, and likely have. At the very least they are amiable, though Oberyn finds Brynden's lack of interest in scholarly pursuits and expanding his mind very stereotypical and boring. That sort of, "You could do so much better for yourself," attitude.

What will we do when Obella realises that the trunk is in the stable and she orders Gawen to move out all the horses so she and her handmaidens can look through the place in peace ?

I think only one of her handmaidens would be down for that adventure and Gawen would immediately go to Brynden to clarify the order, if it drew Obella's ire. He's loyal to the Malroys, dornishwomen ordering him around in HIS stables would cause quite a bit of grumbling.

>but I wonder what sort of reactions I'd get to ending the whole trip on a negative// Just flip the order around, have the second thread be somewhat more romantic/lovey/holyshit I love you and not that crazy Lysseni.

Obella wouldn't quite get over it as quickly as you assume. Flipping the order would just ruin the entire trip.

Funny thing about Wilson was that if he had just stayed quiet things might had worked out

Wilson had the 'Honor-Bound' drawback. He took his vows to the extreme, particularly those involving his sister.
And in some way he truly did think he was helping Brynden, it's a very twisted logic.
Again, one of those things I'd go back and do again if I ever rewrote things. I blew it with him.

can we have the Lys daughter over to westeros sometime? does she even know Brynden's here father?

If you want Obella to be very, very annoyed, I'd suppose so yes. Visenya's mother is probably the only woman Obella would view as 'on par' with regards to winning Brynden and she would absolutely insist that she come along as well, under the guise of fostering good relations between the Free Cities and Westeros and promoting trade, her family are incredibly well off perfume merchants. The scent still causes Brynden to have flashbacks, and not the good kind. Only major issue is Brynden has stricken any memory of her from his memory, repressing it with endless drink.
Visenya is aware her father is a man of Westeros and a Lord. She does not know who, but silver hair and green eyes narrows it down a bit.

The reason why the celtigar girl thought brynden was going to be her knight in shining armor was because our cousin and her father hyped him up ? Cant imagine she was too happy to get into a arranged marriage since what happened to her sister

Kind of, sort of. It was mostly her father that talked Brynden up, having no idea what he was really like and assuming Donold and Brynden were similar. He had been courting Donold as a potential match prior to the Rebellion but Vamos wasn't keen on getting the second born daughter, not, historically speaking, again. Lucerys had warned caution because the last time he
saw Brynden it was in Volantis with his face between some whore's tits and raving drunk. Not to mention he had taken up with a band of sellswords and had an acknowledged bastard. That last one would have been a real kicker for Helena. Adrian and Helena both had idealized views of what Brynden was and Lucerys' words did little to sway it.
Otherwise Helena saw Brynden as her knight in shining armor for multiple reasons. Her father's overbearing and controlling nature, his total willingness to use her as a pawn to subjugate the Malroys and then later Crackclaw Point and the bad track record of her sister's matches. Brynden was an out and Wilson's attempt to appeal to Brynden's better nature was her attempt to get out and stay out. Really it was all very messy and clearly nothing worked out the way they thought it would.

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Shit i just realised something. Winter is pretty harsh for a baby like Lorelei. Would have to do some rolling for her to survive it ?

While true Lorelei also lives on a nice comfy castle and yhe winter will be mild barring a few heavier months. Steadhold was built to be cool during summer, thus Obella's complaints and warm and cozy during the winter. I've mentioned before the grand hall alone has a dozen or so hearths. While yes it is possible for her to catch a chill Benjin will be around, the medicine wizard, and she'd get bonuses to any survival roll she'd need to make from the castle. I might do some behind the scenes rolling just for *drama* but I doubt it'll ever be too bad.

Wont it be hard for Obella to go on her mission during the winter ?

Damn it, guessing you saw my timescale on the Stats spreadsheet before I blacked them out.
Anyway, answer is no. First couple months of the winter won't be too bad and that's primarily when she'll be gone. She'll just complain a bit more and need a nice fur coat. Oh man I just realized I get to think up Obella winter wear now, that's going to be great. As a point it isn't the first winter she's operated in, early in the one right before Robert's Rebellion is when she started out spying and she was in King's Landing during some of the worst of it so she'll manage, albeit with some complaints.


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