

Ask @sugoichappy

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Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

Respect is earned, not given from me. If that's their lifestyle choice, fine. But if they want to push that onto others, now I've got a problem. And this also does not bar them from criticism (mockery) from others, including myself. I'm looking at you, the vegetarians on our gymnastics team.

How you ever encountered social justice warriors?

I'd say yes, discreetly. Not the mouth-foamers that are a dime a dozen on tumblr, but general notions said by many people at my school. I just smile and nod, because if I open my mouth...

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What genre of film is your favorite?

Oooh, wasn't expecting this.
Not a movie buff, but I like old school action flicks, western animation, and fantasy adventure. Lots of the films I go out of my way to watch are based on books I've read too.
There's probably more, but, again, not a film buff.

If people had a warning label, what would yours say?

Any questions should be directed to (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Everyone can contribute to help create a better and kinder internet. How do you spread the good vibes? #SID2016

Apparently through censorship and punishing content creators, according to Twitter and YouTube. Both places are dead.

What's a solid feel good anime you can recommend? Been feeling down lately and need something to perk me up.

Ooooh, anime recs time!
Ouran High School Host Club. In dub, too. It's brilliant, I've seen it 3 times.
Fruits Basket. It's a sweet, pure, fluffy shojo.
If you can get past the kinda slow start, Haikyuu. The characters are just so positive that it's impossible for me not to smile.
Haven't seen all of it, but if you want relaxing, I'd say Mushi-Shi.
That's all I got for now. Hope this helps, and hope you feel better too. Everything will be daijoubu.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Everyone has verbal tics they use too often, "like" "umm" "literally" "so" "totally" and plenty of curses. Maybe I'm just not aware of mine.
(This answer is due to IB English presentations going on. Geez, some people have way too many filler words.)

Do you think safe spaces are for bigoted people?

A more fitting term is "entitled." Or overly sensitive. That works too.

What's your favorite video game?

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
Though I've got tons of games from Steam I haven't even tried yet, so who knows.

Do you have any hobbies outside of anime?

Well, I don't really have that much time.
I used to be in gymnastics, but quit after State in April. Didn't *love* it, really. Most of my time is homework, wasting time on the internet, or following my parents on the weekend. I don't even watch that much anime recently, because I just got Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations.

Pic of your anime and manga collection?

You wanna see how pathetic I am?
(I'll explain anything in the photo if you want)

Have you seen Black Lagoon? Opnions?

Short answer: A rip-roaring action series with one of the best English dubs in anime, where nearly every girl is a contender for best girl, but unfortunately fell very flat in it's last arc in Japan. Also the OVA was a bit disappointing towards the end.
Long answer: I wrote a review of both seasons + the OVA here on my old blog about 18 months ago: http://selenasmangaanimecircle.blogspot.com/2014/07/squeaky-clean-review-black-lagoon-24.html?m=1
My thoughts really haven't changed since, but I'd probably have written the review better if I did it now. (That should be obvious)

Do you think Kylo Ren is emo?

I haven't seen The Force Awakens. Or any Star Wars movie, for that matter.
(I oughta be ashamed)

Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

Yes and no. I pride myself (maybe a bit too much) on my brain bank of knowledge, but I'm never satisfied, and I know I'll never be. I'm the kind of person constantly seeking new facts, information, wisdom, etc. from all sources on every subject under the sun.

Do you prefer very spicy or non-spicy food?

Sometimes one or the other. Food experiences that come to mind are all from my trip to China in 2014.

Pancakes or waffles?

Waffles. But I will say I ate 3 of the most delicious pancakes *ever* at the county fair last year in a pancake eating contest.
Think part of the reason they were so good was because they were free.


Language: English