

Ask @sugoichappy

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What are you looking forward to about this year the most?

Um, I'll get to be a good senpai to my future roomies, and I'm gonna see Weezer next month at The Rave.

What does Freedom mean to you?

Being able to make your own choices and being able to fail. Also, me being able to stay in my room playing Stardew Valley without someone nagging me to study or sleep at proper times.

If you had the power to read someone’s mind, whose would it be? ??

I wouldn't want a power like that, I think it'd drive me crazy.

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If you have any pets, do they have any habits that irritate you? If you don't, what kinds would you eventually like to have?

No pets now, I'm living in a dorm until next May. I'd like to have bunnies and a cat someday.

what do you want to be ?

I'm currently going to school for engineering. But I would very much like to be lazy and stay at home.

Which one would you rather have .. a lifetime of nightmares evey night or a lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired you are?

I really don't want to think about this, because I often have trouble sleeping AND have strange dreams. But I'll take the nightmares, maybe I'll use them as inspiration for writing.

What activities do you prefer? What would you like to learn to play or ride? 🎱🏓🏒🎾🚴🏻

I am a very lazy person who doesn't do any sport now. Wish I was a better ice-skater though.

For what you thing you never get old?

Cartoons, juice pouches, stuffed animals, naps, trick-or-treating, asking for a cookie at the grocery store or a lollipop at the bank, spinning in circles at the park, and being endearing.

Do you believe in past lives? If so, what kind of person do you think you were?

Perhaps a massive daredevil whose gusto led to their demise, which is why I'm a fairly hesitant person.

How can I attract your attention?

Well, you just did. If you wanna talk, send me a Twitter DM, or email me sugoichappy@gmail.com.

Do you have any advice for people starting out on youtube?

I've had this sitting in my asks for a while, and after some deliberation, I'm ready to answer. This will be long. I will also assume you are talking about AniTube in this regard.
First advice is to go talk to people more experienced in this than me. A few folks you could reach out to are LouTalksAnime, AnimeIntensity, the lovely duo at Cartoon Cipher, and Under the Scope. These are active mutuals who I'm fairly certain would respond to you if you tweet at them or leave a comment on their videos. Or ask any YouTuber whose style you like or who inspires you. This is probably the better option, in all honesty.
The biggest reminder I have for you when making videos is that you are making them for YOU. If you're not passionate about your project, it WILL end up in your Google Docs graveyard.
I can't say too much regarding the video making process, because I don't know what kind of videos you're looking to make. A vlogger needs a totally different bag of tools than a video essayist. If you'd like to elaborate, and I can give you more advice, feel free to shoot me a Twitter DM. Again, go ask people whose content is close to what you want to make.
And don't worry about making a terrible video your first try! You'll grow! Having bare-bones equipment or setup is ok when you're first getting started, because I know a camera and mic can be expensive, and you want to test the waters first.
Be entertaining. Be engrossing. But be YOU. And have fun doing so! AniTube is always welcome to newcomers, and it's a great place to network too. Best of luck to you! And you can always talk to me again!

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You come across a magic book and whatever you write in it becomes reality. What's the first thing you would write in it?

Oh, so like this guy?

Would you be interested in experiencing hypnosis?

No, I'm terrified of being made to do or say embarrassing things. I've seen two hypnotist shows, and THAT's a lot funnier.

In life, do you see yourself more of a bystander or are you more of a participant? Why?

Definitely a bystander, as bad as that sounds. In all honesty, I'm a pretty cautious person, and I don't have that much life experience compared to many people my age. Or at least, this is what I'm made to believe, based on the people I've surrounded myself with here in college.

Do you know how to play the guitar?

Poorly. Barely took proper lessons, and it's been a while since I last picked mine up. If you wanna see me play, have fun scrolling through my media section of my Twitter to find them, there's a few.

what's something you would never want to tell anyone?

I dunno, deeply embarrassing things, words that would get me shunned from all good society, things that would get me arrested, you know.


Language: English