
Dragon ☆

Ask @AdNiteo

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first of all its an old account C; , and if you want to know something just ask, there is a reason its called ask.fm C:

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
So I can ask anything and everything? *^*
I just like knowing a lot of stuff about people idek why v.v
Liked by: Abel. vārna

Entp are 3% of the population v- v, and why you can't stalk me -more like why you thought you can stalk me- xD

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
Idc Im still rare xD
And I can't stalk you because that link reveals no information about your fb profile v.v
I can stalk whoever I want cx
Liked by: vārna

that's why i don't like making them 🙊

Fine I'll let you win this round v.v One of that quotes tha you said was really nice v.v
Liked by: vārna

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more like pain in the ass, https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t34.0-12/12476259_1668487400058142_1502719421_n.jpg?oh=7a6240720f6330d53bfbe9da3d82c507&oe=569DF634&__gda__=1453197350_b6527f23f028fd4975b33f53f5aa4824 don't judge its 4 years old, was learning how to do clothes v -v

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
Pssh I'm not a pain in the ass; I grow on people besides INTP's are rare cx
And its a nice picture considering I hate drawing its really good
And *sighs* here I was thinking I could stalk you xD
Liked by: vārna

then let me remain stuck here ;P (i love having these kinda chats wi ppl so dw 😂)

Haha if you remain stuck here your life was for nothing. I mean yolo xD
Liked by: vārna

something i can't do XD

If you don't keep the promises you make to yourself you are going to get nowhere
(excuse my philosophical mood I'm in a literary mood xD)

Best thing you've heard today?

Can I say the worst thing? Because it honestly broke my heart v.v
That last line 💔

@lovedostiduaa Well then, buy expensive tea cups -.- Who told ya to buy their Chinese versions? @AdNiteo You're so mature 😐

Kaalahabshi’s Profile PhotoHale
Haha thank you
I sometimes feel like Im a 25 year old inside a 15 year old's body and other times it's like Im a 5 year old inside a 15 year old's body cx
Liked by: Hale

@lovedostiduaa Ya should learn from Z. Smoking is dangerous! I mean look at John Smokey. He's gotten so weird these days 😗 We just care about ya Loxy. What if smoking makes ya into hobos 😭😭😭 That'll ruin our reputation ya know 😊 So no smoking.....pinkie promise ☺️

Kaalahabshi’s Profile PhotoHale
Exactly v.v
Liked by: Hale

Say something philosophical?

Everything happens for a reason. Even if you are at your worst it will get better or you will learn to survive. After all Allah only gives difficultues to those he deems worthy. None of tye prophets had an easy life.
At the same time you are going to get what's written in your destiny. You are not judged on how much you get you will be judged on how you got it. Whether you earned it woth hardwork or if you stole it or something v.v
Liked by: Hale

Ofc! It's very inconsiderate. e.e Yep, that's why he's gonna be working in marshmallow sweatshops. >:)

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Good riddance to bad rubbish v.v
And lmao buzzfeed thinks I'm funny 😂😂😂

Kim Jung Il is the dictator of North Korea, and he funnels most of the state's money into advancing the military and developing nuclear weapons while his people starve. He's a goddamn tyrant. >:( Omg yesssss Halsey! The sneakers on the seat mustn't be very hygienic though. o-o

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Smh noticing sneakers on seats xD
🎶 We'll be lacing the same shoes
That we've worn through
To the bottom of the line
And we know that we're headstrong
And our heart's gone🎶
And ohhh that sucks v.v
Liked by: Elo : Ela

if this ver. play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqaPYoUcQBs its going to be perfect !

Hmm I used to know the lyrics to hat song by heart especially these verses v.v
~ Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming,
I can hear them say
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man,
Well, it surely means that I don't know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune,
But I hear the voices say
Liked by: Elo : Ela vārna Guess.

YESS! And there'll be at least one library every two kilometers, and world peace! And Kim Jung Il will be set to work in a marshmallow bunny factory until he kicks the bucket! *^* My lips are sealed. ;) .....Wow bravo Belle. o.o

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Libraries *^* yass cx
World peace also sounds good
Who is Kim Jung II sorry I have no idea cx
Liked by: mimo vārna Guess.

Probably because he's afraid of what might happen if I rule the world, I guess. Which is totally weird, because I know that I'll be an amazing ruler! *^* Ikr? XD

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Yup but I bet it would be awesome if you ruled xD
Dex is just a scaredy cat xD Shush don't tell him I said that cx

Finally! Finally someone agrees with my dream for world domination!! Dex keeps trying to crush my dreams, but I know that one day, I shall PREVAIL! \(*^*)/

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Haha why does dex crush your dreams? Smh boys these days xD
Liked by: Guess.


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