
Dragon ☆

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Poems don't need to rhyme to be awesome B| Btw, so you're giving your CIE Papers huh!! Heard they're quite an ass

Kaalahabshi’s Profile PhotoHale
Such a stalker smh; they are ok I just don't like urdu especially literature but its compulsory.
You are right; poems don't need to rhyme to be awesome but they need to have a deeper meaning cx

Those are the main And English I know. I can write and read in Arabic, but I have no idea of the meaning or tanslation xc I forgot Spanish cx And i forgot my few phrases and words in Russian cx Hbu?!

I have to give my urdu literature CIE this year I'm pretty sure I'll get a B or at the most an A ):

Im jk. Cx I don't know it. I suck at reading and writing and its not my language. But i completely understand it! I speak Farsi, well it's originally called "Dari" and Pastu cx

Oh cool. I can't speak those languages.
Urdu s a mixture of different languages so I guess I kow words of Farsi

KHALA! SILENCE! CHUP! And please smile for me! c: Inspired by------Liyzz Poo♥♥♥ Written by: Miss Mary The Hairy Fairy! ♥♥♥

I'm always smiling mia cx
And I'm your maternal aunt now? o-o
Liked by: Dragon ☆ raveryne


Language: English