
Dragon ☆

Ask @AdNiteo

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Do you ever feel tired of defending yourself and just let other people believe in or say whatever they want? If no, why? if yes, do you ever just break down and cry suddenly when you are alone?

Yes I hardly correct people's wrong opinions about me and then they slowly get to know me and it's like they prove themselves wrong xD
I like the assumptions people make when they only know half the info cx

Well mate cause it's so much easy to talk there. Ya get a notification, ya can talk on groups and the most amazing this is that ya can even talk about your feelings with the kik bot and get away with it 👍

Kaalahabshi’s Profile PhotoHale
You get all things all those things on hangouts as well; you can even reply without opening the app e.e
As for the robot why don't you get one of those dating robot apps xD all your problems will be solved xD

هل حدث من قبل أن أشتبه عليك واقعك فظننته مخيله و وهم..؟؟؟ "أحكي لنا تجربتك"

lBLACKl’s Profile Photo☣☠(ᙖLᗩᙅK)☠☣
🎵🎵I worry about you not getting sleep
'Cause you can't if the light creeps on in
So I'd shut the curtain,
Who shuts the curtain now I'm gone?
I worry about your body getting cold
'Cause I can't wrap around and keep you warm
God knows I'm hurting,
But God knows you're worth it🎵🎵

1 point for your humanity, but what about your love? you know them .. been with them whole life, they love you and care and you do too.. on the other side you dun know the mother v.v !

Haru7’s Profile PhotoElo : Ela
If they loved me that much they would understand and would want me to do the same thing and besides my loss for my lover would not harm me as much as the kids loss of their mother
PS love is overrated cx


Language: English