
Dragon ☆

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Awesome! I think I'll do my own chores though, I'll feel guilty otherwise. xD Will there be ice cream? And chocolate? *^*

PointlessGuessingGame’s Profile PhotoGuess.
Haha and yeah you can get any type of food cx
Liked by: Guess.

Oh please everyone lies, I take everything with a grain of salt, btw is shadow hunters out yet ?

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
That's the point I don't lie I give you information just not all of it and just not information that matters to me cx
I make it look like Im an open book so people don't pester me cx
Not the last time I checked ;-;
Liked by: Guess.

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Why aren't blueberries blue?

Haru7’s Profile PhotoElo : Ela
Ok so we could go with this boring answer http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/jul/12/ask-a-grown-up-why-are-blueberries-blue
Or we could go with the fact that blueberries were actually blue a long time ago but they overestimated themselves and lost a bet. Because of losing the wager they were stripped of their blue color and were given a purple color which is a color of shame but its also a color of royalty in some places so I have no idea if this story means to tell you if you should not make ets that you are gonna lose or that if you lose a bet you get to be royalty xD
Liked by: Elo : Ela Guess.

My point is that his wall was outright useless, he died anyway Cx, well I didn't misunderstand you so I guess there are no walls now, btw does your father have his own practice or ?

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
His own practice cx
But his wall is still remembered v.v
Liked by: Guess. vārna

Oh please, a lie based on truth is still a lie c: , and don't take much pride in your "walls", Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of china to keep death away and he still died, and every wall is breakable just got to know where to hit C:

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
But his wall is still there so what exactly is your point cx
And no I don't have a wall to keep away anything; its just there because people don't understand
My greatest regret is being misunderstood v.v

I do like playing games C: , but every game needs a base line, something constant that I can build a trick on, lying in those isn't fair now is it C:

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
All lies have a kernel of truth in them v.v
Liked by: Guess. Rox's. vārna

Oh please, I can describe you right here and know but the character limit, and it pains me to write more than one question, and the reason that your name is so "deceiving" is that it's a name nothing else control it figure it out cuz it was given by your parents 15 years and 7ish months a go C:

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
My name isn't decieving v.v Its the most straightforward thing about me cx
Its the least decieving thing about me, I have walls even when you think you know everything about me because there are a lot of things I have never told anyone and besides my personality depends on my mood so you can't exactly 'define/describe' me cx
Liked by: Guess. Rox's. vārna

Why do people keep asking if am from Qatar or not, it's in my bio, do I come off as that big of a liar Cx

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
Haha lmao
Maybe they just think you like playing games and a straight answer is a trick cx
Liked by: Guess. Rox's. vārna

The only interesting one, at least for now, I'm sorry that am good at reading people ?

ItsCrow’s Profile Photovārna
I'm sorry that you are not that good at reading people xD Cuz like my name is the least deceptive thing about me cx
Let's play a game; describe what you have 'read' about me cx
Liked by: Guess. Rox's. vārna

That's exactly half xD Love it, and I've seen that quote before somewhere, I think

I love erin hansons poetry like omg
And yup v.v except I have assessments in feb and I probably won't even be on much from mid of march v.v
Liked by: Rox's. Dragon ☆

I don't drink tea o.o Life is...hectic. I have school in three days ;-;

Three days? My god cx I have school in one and a half day cx
Well its a new start I guess v.v
What do you think of my bio v.v
Liked by: Rox's. Dragon ☆


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