
auvic music

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Is there a song that you like, but Rhodz hates? Or vice versa?

Mostly its songs rhodz likes and he forcefully shows me and i dont like it sometimes

In your latest stream, you and Rhodz talked about chord progressions and you mentioned something about "2 over 7". What were you guys talking about? Also, unrelated to music, do you enjoy answering questions? or do you feel that we should be figuring this out on our own?

I said 2 over 7, but it was actually b7 over 4, in the key of minor. Technically it's bVII/IV-. (flat 7 over 4).
Say we're in the key of A minor. So the chords go:
A-, Bdim, Cmaj, D-, E-, Fmaj, Gmaj.
The Roman Numerals for that are:
I-, IIdim, bIIImaj, IV-, V-, bVImaj, bVIImaj.
The chord in question was fundamentally a G Chord with a bass, or root note, D.
G is the bVII, and D is the IV. So the chord came out to be bVII/IV-.
And yes, I enjoy answering questions.
Asking questions is a way of figuring out on your own. But yeah, you should be doing both... and also, it depends on your learning style. Some people thrive learning alone and asking questions on certain bits, and some people thrive learning from a teacher who can correctly guide them and can provide answers at any time. Some both.

Same guy who recommended that song before with the vocaloid. I hope it's not too much trouble if I ask you for your thoughts again, this time on this song. https://soundcloud.com/bastion-paris/besnine-dont-forget-bastion-remix-1

Very justice inspired, cool sounds, good rhythm, composition is not entirely to my taste but tasteful nonetheless. Vocal melody is a bit droll and seems too in the background (technically and musically, seems more pushed in the back for vibe and not for it to dominate the song). It's a good song. Personally, however, it's not something I would listen to on a daily basis--to me it doesn't have anything outstanding that would catch my interest.

Do you recommend any earphones that aren't too pricey?

Anytime we talk about earphones, we're talking about convenience and consumer-grade quality. That being said, I don't find it worth paying for apparent 'high-quality' earphones nor, as a producer, want 'studio earphones.'
So just get those stupid $15 skullcandies or stick with the apple earphones.

How do I figure out what mode a song is in?

through experience you should be able to tell, which means training your ears and finding out how all the modes sound like.

What happened to two of your piano tracks? I liked those. :(

One may return, one shall be locked away into the chamber of lost songs

what was the hardest part of learning audio design? other than money. :P

Probably getting exactly what I wanted to hear. I still have that problem today, really.

dude that song destroy them its sooo nice, and all the collabs with pipo, are you doing more songs like that ?

maybe, not sure

sup auvic same guy that asked u about the feeling good song, i dont know much about music so what are these chords V7,VI-7 about ? whats up with the V and I ?

They're roman numerals to decide chord positions.
For example: C Ionian, or simply the C Major Key would consist of these chords:
C, D-, E-, F, G, A-, B(dim)...
Which means every Ionian Mode or every 'Major' Key would have these numerals:
I, II-, III-, IV, V, VI-, VII(dim)
Whether it's C Major, F Major, E Major--whatever major--will have these same numerals.
In C Major, the II- of C Major is then D-. They correspond. In A Major, the III- of A Major is C#-.
I shouldn't really be giving you a full course on this stuff--if you want to get one for music theory, just get a book and a keyboard and start learning... not just with your eyes, but your hands and ears too... hence the keyboard.

So, playing a non-diatonic note in a melody is essentially just changing keys and/or modes for a short moment?

Its not changing keys, it's all about playing the right modes over the chord that is being played, which, when seen the entire 'key' is kind of changing keys depending on the different modes being played per chord.

what chords do you play in the song felling good at 1:46 (time), i want to play this so much on my guitar

chords? Same chords as the riff... Which is I-, bVII, VI-7(b5), bVI, V7

what is your auvic dragon about ? is there a story or something

It was initially a cartoon dinosaur, one that I used to draw back when I was in high school or junior high whenever I was bored in class, along with a bunch of other random, playful, ridiculous things that would happen around the dinosaur. They were just doodles--something that I let my mind wander on paper whenever I had a pen and paper bored in class.
The dinosaur kept reappearing in these doodles of mine, and I'm not really sure why. I started to draw it breathing a fire word balloon with the word 'LOL' or 'RAWR' in it. It started to have these tiny wings too. That's how I imagine it became a dragon.
After years of quitting nearly all types of visual art, I somehow came back to doodling at home one time and I guess I drew the dragon again. I decided to make it a part of Auvic, like a mascot of some sorts. I uploaded that doodle up on the FaceBook page and then a few artist fans ended up drawing it... Better.
Not really a cool story, I guess.

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