

Ask @Dayzheart

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Are you in love?

am in love with my self ╮(╯▽╰)╭ if you would fall for some one fall for your self thats the one who will carry you to the top. our problem is that we dont know the difference between loving yoyr self and being selfish. but one day i will fall for my husband jsut as hard may be even more . other then that its torture to love some one who will never be your spouse , who knows i just write about it
Liked by: Sara MH nora lor

Would you eat a cockroach if it meant saving a stranger's life?

i dk depends on my mood.to be honest but if i would do it, it would be out of guilt XD
Liked by: Sara MH

Do you believe in the evolution of species?

the_awesome_hasan_sama’s Profile PhotoHasan
every biologist believes in it, my objection is treating Darwin as a God and his theory as flawless holy book if atheist XD that must not be touched thats not fair and against scientific methods... only through questioning we learn more .......
Liked by: Sara MH Hasan

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

yes we all do,,, mistakes shouldn't take our right to be happy and people who love us for real wouldn't givw up on us easily
Liked by: Hasan

What was the most interesting place you have ever visited?

تسللت حق مخزن كتب في رابطة الادباء العديلية هههههه شفت اصدارات قديمة حيل غبار و شي جميل فعلاً و مكتبة الصرعاوي جميلة
Liked by: Sara MH

Who do you respect the most?

العصاميين الي بدوا من الصفر و اصنعوا نجاحهم بدون مساعدة و العظماء المتواضعين
Liked by: Hasan


Language: English