

Ask @Dayzheart

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How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I don't, it doesn't make sense to celebrate the earth orbiting the sun, I do how ever celebrate others birthday. But sometimes I just relax and keep it to my self. It's my day. Me and my thoughts not much, But who knows 21 am planing to do something memorable

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I apologize if that was insulting, I didn't mean to. And don't worry, no headaches received. =p

Nah it's OK, you are not the first to think that about me. Both on line or in real life. That am not being real. And reasonable. ヽ(^。^)ノ if I get to choose I would hang out with my unicorns
Liked by: Hasan

Why do we believe everything so easily?

Mmm that's a little bit insulting XD first i read the layers article of yours impressive work, But remains another try to draw lines on top of essence not grasping the core.
We know what we think we see.
It correct at times yes and other times, there is simply more layers .
See in my case (hate talking about my self because in any way u put it, it sounds narcissistic )
Any way am average In most talents known
But detecting a lier is a reflex , now that's I know am good at
what I have is beyond my understanding. I just know if some one is telling the truth, But how do I know?
same like You know that red is red and blue is blue .
1- I don't get fooled easily by strangers.
2- I read and read and think before I come to a conclusion.
3- what ever you saw is not " believe every thing easily " ,
I flow with current so the don't end up drowning me, when I reach to safety, when I reach inside thier minds then I will change the current. I hope u understood what I mean
4- my stone mood every thing is inside a can
5- May be I want to believe every thing , it's true some how right
And you got your self a headache o(^^o)

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Liked by: Hasan Sara Al-Ajlan

I hope it went well. Tell your professor that you're using a suppository definition, and he won't be able to give you a bad grade. =p

Yeah well obviously you haven't met my professor XD But thanks for the advise I really should visit him more often (>_<)
Liked by: Hasan

That's not what I mean, but it's week to say that's the main reason when it's a result

For real. Honey we may be living in 21 century But the Alfa mentality is never over. It's not a conspiracy it's clear every one can see it, our world is run by rich Jerks (Zionist to be exact ), the Boogey man is USA policy towards it's own people by creating a mutual enemy to distract them for the modern slavery of capitalism. fear holds them from thinking
The drug industry info I got it from a general's daughter who also studied foreign policy
At which they wanted to "free " oppressed Muslim women and "change " our misrable lives by forcing thier idea of democracy through private education and استعمار اعلامي
Yes, Not a conspiracy no it's clear like the sun.
Evon CARLO, now a Muslim her name is shareefa carlo her articles are available online.
Main reason of wars is benefits
Money, oil proclaimed power
Do u know that in 80 binladin and USA were allies
Did u know that CIA have build Hamas
Do u still think it too simple , I hate conspiracy theories they make me feel powerless. Never the less I must admit we Arabs simply clean the dishes after every thing is done.
At least the generations of the past
Let's see now what will happen 12 minutes ago
Adnan likes this

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How did it go?

Better then I thought But I don't know where he finds these definitions +_+O_o am in every class when did u mentioned this a9lan XD
But I decided to make a study guide ☆ for this subject. And save the next class, السالفة سالفة كرامة ههههههههه
Liked by: Hasan

الله يقربل إبليسه. الله يهداه. إن شاء الله يساعد، عاد. ^^

عاد أحبه لانه شيبة و يي من عصر بدون قوقل عشان جذي شرحه حجري و عرفت شلون ادرس له المرة الياية بس احسن الامتحان كان اوكي بس ما اتوقع احسن مم الميدتيرم
الله يستر T_T

concpercy theory ! really ! that's ur answer

Honey I have a solid proof I won't be talking like a crazy homeless believe me →_→ you underestimate me a lot
Liked by: 130.

أي إمتحان؟ 3:

المادة حلوة صخور عامة كل شي عن الصخور الي حولنا بس تصحيح ضيم و نوته طلاسم و الكتاب بحر هالكورس ما نظمت وقتي بس همن معروف أهو ما يندي درجات اعلى درجة اربعين من امية هذا اشطر واحد فينا
يقولك سنين ما عطى A

بالتوفيق، ودرجة كاملة إن شاء الله. ^^

T_T لا تقلب المواجع الحمدالله على كل حال و ان شاء الله تعدي
شكراً ♬

what it Reasons 4 the dieth of the Killing pupil in the stret evarywher e?

It's war every where
It's USA government forcing democracy with armies
Creating mutual enemies to distract the world from the fact they are secretly supporting drug industry
It's a rubber like concept use democracy when it serves them.
It's Alasad sick mentality killing his own people to remain I'm power
Ones man's life worth thousands he believes
It's money
It's more then we know
I think we scare them thats why they keep fighting us

If the artist was, and remained authentic, it's hard to see him/her drift away from what should be. Miley Cyrus is horrible! xD

Character wise, But u gotta admit a husky voice is alluring and memorable~^O^~ scientists agree it's more appealing then other tones . so She should work on her talent more then stripping +_+
There is an artist and there is a job called artist
When it's a job u will see them adapting for the market instead of risking and losing a paycheck
A true artist is a soul of nature and imagination poured into a body
Powerful and innovative
I don't need money mentality.
He doesn't take a risk
He knows he will make a.market he will make the audience.
He will make a change .
Because an artist can hear people. I think I just drifted away (≧▽≦)/~┴┴ side effect for a horrible final waiting for me at 11 T_T

Critique something that was released this year.

Wrecking ball . A video clip that ruined a good song.
Art is limitless, and am not the most conservative person in the world. But that was off. Out of context meaning " I wanna be the next Madonna " like watching a baby girl trip in high heels.
the first time I heard the song it was on the radio
Brilliant story, I love songs with a story line.
But that clip is a cry for help
I felt like She is asking the world please see me I exist
I am not an addict to celebrities life. I have my own (>_<) But it's a shame to see talent put second behind visualize lust
I guess she could have meant it literally !!
They could have done it in a better execution
I wonder why it came first to my head ╮(╯_╰)╭

خلال الهندسه الوراثيه ، ماذا تتوقع أن يحدث لو تم استنسآخ البشر ؟

Mujremah’s Profile PhotoSara Alenezi
عندما تقع في يد الخير ، سيستنسخون العباقرة و الأطباء و المعلمين و أيضاً و لأسباب أمنية القادة. . و سيتكون نوع جديد من الطبقية الأغنياء سيشترون الجينات الأفضل و الأجمل عيون زرق و الشعر الأشقر لذا ما هو نادر و مميز سيفقد تفرده
كثير من الأمراض الوراثية ستنتهي
أما في يد الشر سيضاعفون الصعاليك ليحكمون البشر بالظلم
يسرق و يدخل المستنسخ السجن
و أعتقد المستسخ لن يكون نسخة طبق الأصل في التفكير
سيشق طريقه نحو تفكير مستقل لأن هذه هي وظيفة العقل

آه اشتقت للكويت وأهلها ,هم بلا شك أكثر الناس انفتاحا وتفهما

(>_<)♬شكراً و الكويت دوم ترحب بمحبينها

How are you mean? I don't think you're mean at all, from what I have seen of your answers. In fact, we all have our bad moments. It's in our human nature. =)

You are right we all have our bad moments, But I personaly enjoy being mean towards the people I like, the more I love a person the more I will torture them tinge edge of insanity XD.I can't help.it I love to tease
Add to that the freedom of blunt truth is alluring. And truth hurts ╮(╯_╰)╭ ....


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