

Ask @ProjectWomanUp

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hey. so some people are really awful to you and I really don't get why. bc your project is awesome and these people think that you're making women better than men whereas your project is only trying to make women appear less fragile, and not stupid, and everything that a stupid person (1)

BreuckT’s Profile PhotoCalliope ☆

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Honestly? the amount of hate you are getting scares me. It makes me want to leave wattpad. I did not know people could be so hatefull. I hope you stay strong. and for what it's worth, I totally support/ed your campaign.

Trust me I'm halfway gone right now

You don't speak Spanish but you follow a spanish writer? So you're a liar too. Great.

I don't think I'm following a Spanish writer. And if I were how would I be lying? And what did I say anyway about speaking Spanish that would make me a lier?

At first, I was very excited to apply as an admin for your campaign, but after reading the entire thing through, I felt very discouraged at your wording. "...bc working with me is hell"? What makes you think you have to make ANYONE'S experience to be hell? I'm unfollowing this account.

That's what others have told me. I'm not going to make your experience hell. When did I say that?
If you're offended by something that I didn't even say then I doubt I need our follow

Did you send out the emails yet?

yes. there were a few people who sent fake emails so those were not contacted. if they cannot provide a proper email i see no reason to try to reach out to them further. it's too much of a hassle to ask a bunch of people their emails. if they want to give emails that do not exist i did not reach out to them.

so sorry about the hate you're receiving even after @protectfemcharacters said that you aren't copying them in the slightest. It's great that you started a campaign about something you're passionate about. Wattpad is a positive place and to all the hating anons - come off anon and say it again.

thanks haha but it bugs me how it doesn't seem to matter how poorly people think about me or my campaign. hate will still come


ProjectWomanUp’s Profile Photo#ProjectWomanUp
Hello everyone, lots of people are asking about why the adding books process is so slow or not happening. I cannot check the tag and I know it's horrible because I can't see all these wonderful books you're all putting effort in to create but I can't have tons of access to a laptop so I am unable to check the books. Very sorry for this inconvenience to all of you. Hopefully I will be able to start checking the tag more often so I can add all of your books. But until further notice please message me with your story links as you post and tag!
Liked by: Queen Locky ™

i don't mean to be pushy but i added the tag to my story for about a week/two and it hasn't been added to your reading list yet

I have stated this many times before that I am unable to check the tag often so the fastest way to get it looked at is by private messaging me a link to your story. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Liked by: Queen Locky ™

is it true you're getting hate or is it a nasty rumor?

Yes I am. I've been getting a lot of people on my back about the whole copying thing - which by the way isn't true. And I've also been receiving messages talking about how the whole idea is dumb. Etc. etc.

I don't mean to intrude, but she is NOT copying us. We've all said this multiple times, on multiple different occasions. Our accounts support each other, we support the same thing, that doesn't mean she's copying us. (P.S. We all love you, girl. Don't worry about them. xx)

protectfemcharacters’s Profile Photo#PFCC2K16
thank you girls c: it's been sort of a hard to deal with lately with more and more messages like this appearing daily

wait why do you have a grudge against protectfemcharacters?

I don't have a grudge against them. I'm just irritated when people accuse me of copyright. Or the fact that my campaign isn't supported by people because "I'm already supporting #PFCC2k15, that's enough" it's really frustrating and you cannot begin to understand it until your expiriencing it like I am.

Does it ever bug you that protectfemcharacters is more popular than you? Don't you both stand for the same thing?

Well, originally, it did. A lot. I wanted us to at least be equals in the projects we made but then I realized they deserved more fame than I did so I stopped trying to compete for the same amount of fame they had cx


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