
Crystal Lars

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How do you feel about CaptainSwan?

TayLuck’s Profile PhotoThat Oncer Girl
They're okay. I mean he's better than Neal, in my opinion, but I believe Emma's true love is Regina. Plus, lately CaptainSwan has been so nauseatingly happy at the expense of other ships. Rumbelle is in crisis and OutlawQueen is separated, but CaptainSwan is there to rub it in our faces.
Liked by: That Oncer Girl

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OutlawQueen reunion is the next episode. How do you feel about that?

I'm sorry, but it's not real. I watched the sneak peek and when Regina asked Robin how he got to her he said, "that doesn't matter." The heck it doesn't! No one says that in shows unless it's a dream. The scene was too soon. Where is his family? It wasn't realistic, therefore the scene is a dream or some other illusion.
Liked by: That Oncer Girl

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

It would be about life as a fangirl. Chapters would include finding the fandom, developing the obsession, falling in love with the cast, loving my ships, etc.


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