

Ask @Dolls22

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If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

A cross on the same spot Harry Styles has his cross

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Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

5sos - Disconnected (Live)
You Me At Six - Lived a Lie
Go Go Go - Sleeping With Sirens
Liked by: Danielle

Would you like to live in another country?

Yes, England or Australia would be a cool place to live.

What do you order at Starbucks?

Rarely go there, but when I do I usually order hot chocolate ? (not a big fan of coffee)

How old were you when you started playing video games?

Not sure.. I remember playing them all time when I was a kid (mostly played Zelda, Sonic, Donkey Kong, and Mario) and now I don't really play video games much, just Call Of Duty with my brothers occasionally.


Language: English