

Ask @Dolls22

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Do you talk to yourself?

If i don't think i can do something I'll wisper outloud that i can do it (hopefully this doesn't make me sound really weird)

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Finish your move in evil apples. We're waiting on you

The app messed up so I had to redownload it and now I can't get back in my old account

Fav songs off of sgfg?

Outer Space/Carry On (my #1 fav) Catch Fire, Invisible, Airplanes, Permanent Vacation, Jet Black Heart.

What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

The one on my lower hip from my sister throwing a water ballon at me while I was running away from her, it got stuck in my flip flop making me fall hard on gravel.

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Pizza, crawfish, and my moms enchiladas.

If a submissive woman who gets paid to be dominated by men decided to enter a fighting tournament in her spare time, but she lost to a man, what would be the best thing he could say as he stood with one foot on her face in victory?

Stop asking me crazy questions. Thanks.

What is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?

My lil cousin was choking on a orange, so I stuck my finger down his throat and pulled out the orange. Saved his life.
Liked by: MichaelCsBoobs

What do you do when you’re angry?

I can be extremely rude when I'm mad, so I get away from people or put in headphones to listen to music to calm myself down.


Language: English