

Ask @qillxh

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Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

1.lots of food and drink
3.my phone but wait, how am i going to charge it if the battery died?

What color toothbrush do you have?

Pink lol but i think i have to change it because ive been using it for such along time ?

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Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

I dont like both. There are lots of drink outside there which are more tastier and kinda licking lip lol

If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?

1. My blog
2. My friend's blog
3. Friend of my friend's blog
4. Google tumblr photo images(anything that is wowwowh)
5. My school task(any topics that i had to search)

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

No, i dont think so. I easily get hurt/ horribly offended for just a simple thing yeah thats it

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

i prefer to plan things because spontaneous-minded literally is not me

Have you ever counted the calories in what you eat?

Yeap, i had count once after Eid Fitri but then i stopped huaa idk why

What's the last concert you went to?

its not a concert act but its more likely to be called as Night of Mawlid Akbar. yeahh and it was.


Language: English