

Ask @dak_masyitah

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"Why it's so hard to let go? Arghh I'm so stress for think this a long time. It's hurt.."
And suddenly, there's a msj for me. That someone said,
"Because we are afraid to be alone and loneliness. We are afraid that we will end up being lonely. We are afraid that we won't be okay if we let go. Because if we let go, we won't be happy again. We are afraid of getting flashbacks for a memory we're together. We are afraid of missing someone. Especially for someone we love dearly. Tato... It's normal.."
Liked by: Noura Dzaharah Wi Ayen


One of the amazing things about the night time is that the night time is very special whether you're believer or not. One of the things that psychologist often discuss is that nights are usually considered a spiritual time. And this is why you see when people go out on dates and stuff like that, when do they usually go out? During the day or at night? So people are more likely to be in touch with their spiritual side.
A believer takes that spiritual time and they take that emotional time and they devote it to their Lord. And one of the things that the scholars often talk about is that the night is a testimony of a person's love. So whatever a person loves, you'll see that they usually devote their night to that. So if the person only concern in life to have fun, party and maximize pleasure, they'll spend their night trying to do that. But, if a person concern their afterlife and they totally to Allah. Then they'll spend their life about akhirah and keeps devoting their night to Allah.
"Haishh pening lak baca ayat nih. Grammar berterabuq. Yela SPM Bi dapat apa je 😌. Okay jom sambung semula...."
We have to look at the sunnah of the Prophet and how the companions did it. And it is in that we are gonna find our ummah come to life. The thing about the companions, like I mentioned is that, what they had and what is missing from our time is that the attribute of going above and beyond the bare minimum. Ibn Abbas, he says about the companions and mentioned,
"I did not see a single companion. I did not see a single companion except that they would take something from the night..."
Meaning, they would pray some type of qiyaamullail and the questions I got from young people such as my usrah family. They share with me about,
"You know what, my imaan is just not going too well. Like I have a dip in my imaan and I just don't feel it anymore. I feel nothing.."
So the first question I ask these people is,
"How is your relationship and connection with Allah? How is your qiaamullail? When was the last time you got up in the middle of the night and pray to Allah?"
So if they usually answer like, 'Well I don't really do that. I just try to do my five daily prayers. Ermm ya I'm still happy if I can get that in'. So I tell them,
"Listen gais, if you're cutting of your connection with Allah, how are gonna be better? You can't expect that your imaan to just get fixed all of sudden on its own. No. It's not gonna happen. But all of us must take steps for become a better Muslim. You have to take steps to reach that level of imaan. You know what, my teacher advice me, if you want to pray qiaamullail, all you have to do is just try it. Yessss, you must try it. And I'm not talking about spending a third of the night praying. I'm just saying for you gais to get up 10 minutes before fajr. Only 10 minutes. Try and pray qiaamullail and get the experience because this is totally amazing spiritual nature and blessing that Allah has given us."
140916 | 20'17H

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Assalammualaikum Awak ^^

|| RINDU ||
Bagaimana nak elak perasaan rindu dari berleluasa tak terkawal?
*_"Rindu itu fitrah. Semua orang ada rindu. Cuma mahu bilang, rindu tak boleh dibuang tapi boleh dikawal."_*
Bila rindu, salurkan dengan cara yg halal. Melalui doa misalnya. Banyakkan istighfar dan selawat. Sibukkan diri. Elakkan dari stalk si dia.
"InsyaaAllah lama-lama okey lah hati kita ☺."


Rasulullah Saw bersabda,
"Jadilah engkau di dunia ini seperti orang asing atau pengembara. Apabila engkau berada pada waktu petang janganlah engkau menunggu pagi hari. Dan jika engkau berada pada waktu pagi, Janganlah menunggu petang hari.
Manfaatkanlah waktu sihatmu sebelum datang waktu sakit dan manfaatkanlah hidupmu sebelum datang kematian."
(Hadis Riwayat Imam Tirmizi)
#UsrahKA 🎒💼
020416 | 14'08H


dak_masyitah’s Profile PhotoKakPotato
Siapa masuk kubur tanpa bekalan ibarat orang merentasi lautan tanpa kapal.
من دخل القبر بلا زاد فكأنما ركب البحر بلا سفينة
Jadi janganlah kamu siakan masa yg sedang berdetik ini, hargailah. Manfaatkan sebaik mungkin.
Penuhkan masa dengan perkara yg baik dengan amal pahala. Kita nak masuk syurga kan?
Syurga mahal kan? Jadi nak beli tiket masuk syurga kena ada amal soleh yg tinggi!
Jadi jangan tangguh masa. Kita beramal mulai sekarang 💪"

Betul ke apabila seseorang perempuan puji/cakap seseorang lelaki 'hensem', nanti akan akan ada bunga di syurga , kelopaknya jatuh kerana perempuan tersebut memuji ketampanan seorang lelaki. Mohon penjelasan.

Assalammualaikum .
"Maaf baru pertama kali sye dengar & baca ayat nih. Jadi sye xthu. WallahHuA'lam "

mcm mana nak dpt redha mak bapak and redha Allah

"Habluminallah Habluminannass"
Jagalah hubungan dengan Allah, jagalah hubungan dengan manusia. Kita hidup di dunia nih bukan hanya nak raih bahagia dari Allah saja. Tapi nak juga bahagia dengan manusia lain.
Jagalah hati ibu ayah kita. Cari masa dan luang masa dengan mereka. Ketepikan dahulu segala gadgets yg mampu bawa racun dalam hubungan anak dengan ibu bapa. Sentiasa semak dan baiki solat.
"Bilamana seseorang itu disiplin dan menjaga dalam solatnya. Maka InsyaaAllah dia akan mampu jauhkan dan selamatkan dirinya dari segala kemungkaran. WaallaHua'lam"

ssalam ana ad satu soalan. kalau kat sklh time recess prefer prgi solat dhuha ke jumpa cikgu. cause sllu tak cukup masa kalau nak buat dua2 nak solat jgk and nak jgk jumpa cikgu tanya solaan

Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah...
Jika saya secara peribadi, lebih memilih lakukan solat dhuha waktu Break Time. Dan waktu habis sekolah atau dalam kelas, kita boleh tanya cikgu :)
Liked by: Wi syaf

is it alright kalau kita lepaskan something yg kita sayang untk something yg kita sendiri tk tau akan jadi milik kita ?

Yepp, it's alright. Cuba awak fahamkan maksud ayat nih
"Kita sayang macam mana dia sekalipun, tapi jika dia bukan jodoh kita. Sampai bila bila kita takkan dapat. Tapi jika kita sembang soal jodoh dengan ajal maut. Benci mana sekalipun kita dengan ajal maut itu, pasti kita takkan dapat lari."
Jodoh dengan manusia itu tidak pasti
Jodoh dengan ajal maut itu memang pasti
"Keeps trusting & put 100% on Him. He knows the best for us. "

Kenapa hari2 saya akan terjaga bila tengah malam...klau sekali sekala x pe.. ni hari hati...sebelum tidur saya dah bace doa...ayat kursi...dan surah lain2 ..kenape ye saya selalu terjaga malam?

Ucaplah Alhamdulillah..
"Terjaga malam bukan senang. Sebab awak dapat manfaatkan masa dengan solat tahajjud & solat sunat lain. Bersyukur lah :) "


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