
Yung Gin

Ask @cherriesndgrapes

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How do you act when drunk? If not a drinker, then when you are high?

Sleep deprivation = drunk && a sugar rush could possibly = highness

how would u let someone know u like them

Just tell them the worst possible thing that can happen is rejection

single or taken? if taken, by who? if single, crushing on?

I done answered this bout 50timess but nobody & nobodyyy

-sits on your ask - what's happenin' ? you good? das good. im starving and shit.. lil one like a tape worm in here ?.. im never full . you got foods ?

colombianfiassco’s Profile Photobabygirl ✨
(gives you spaghetti )

what's your favorite thing about me? hm? it's gas o'clock. no? you don't like me? gimme a Rihanna gif.

yung_gypsy’s Profile Photoms. rodrick
You stay positive & yah music choices are great!
whats your favorite thing about me hm its gas oclock no you dont like me gimme a


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