

Ask @btragedies

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BREE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE GORGEOUS COVER! I appreciate it more than you could ever think possible and it's beautiful!

Sarena_A’s Profile PhotoSarena ♔
& i'm really glad that you like it!
Liked by: Aashi☘

Related users

are you taking cover requests?? o.o

technically, yes.
if you still want the chance to receive one, submit a request form with all the necessary components (components to the form can be found if you scroll a bit on my ask profile)

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

! ! !
okay so this is completely random but... if you ever want to talk about school or need school advice (like whether to do IB or AP, testing strategies, course selection, etc) i am available.
it's kind of nerdy of me, but i love talking about school (even though i pretty much hate school)
and love helping people out
(i saw something about IB on my timeline and so yeah)
Liked by: Aashi☘ neptune tay

what are you known as on wattpad? (ex. funny person, nice person...)

the person who either updates daily or never
(right now i'm the person who never updates because of school)
and i would like to think that i'm known as a relatively nice person lol
(aka i have no idea on as to what i'm known as on wp)

Hope you have the chance to write professionally! Bad boys game is the best thing that I've ever read. The way how you described the characters and the plot...it's just awesome. You truly are a genius Bree! Good luck for the future and hopefully you can write such beautiful stories again! ☁️

aw thank you for being so kind and thank you for reading!
best of luck to you as well.

Bad Boy's Game was AWESOME!!!!!!! I totally loved it!!!!! how do u even manage to write such awesome stuff?? i finished the whole book in about 6 hours....and then i re-read it and re-read it again! HOW DO U DO THIS??

AritriBasu’s Profile PhotoI'mNotDeadUAre...xD
aha really glad that you liked the book! thank you so much for reading.

Hello!! I was going to low-key read The Heartbreak Hotel quietly but then I saw that Ruby + Hook are your favourites and I just had to reach out and say hello and I'm really looking forward to reading your works! <3

hi, melina!
thank you for dropping by and giving a greeting. i hope you enjoy my work.

Hey! You are a very great author and I love bad boys game so much! How did you find the idea for this book? What inspired you to start this book? Thx.

thank you for reading!
and honestly to answer the latter of the message... the idea of the book kind of just happened for me by putting pieces of thoughts together, nothing really inspired me other than my love for writing.
Liked by: Aashi☘ Guen

I don't know if my cover request is been sent through

Laureen_choruma’s Profile PhotoLaureen choruma
[to all]
i have well over 20 cover requests right now and do see them all. please be patient.
and if i do not get the chance to make you a cover this time (doing about 1-2 a week this october) then i apologize.
thank you.


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