

Ask @Beauty_Girrl

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Who is your best friend?

Leila because she talks to me everyday and is nice and pretty awesome, too.
She is a strong creative girl.

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What was your first paying job?

hmm..i was helping my neighbors house while she was gone and got like 56 Dollars for 6 days.

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?


What is a "best friend" to you?

a best friend..hmm.. well pretty much all the cararistics of
Leila, Carole, Anna, Betsi, Lily at my old school
at my new one hmm..
Nikki, Alana, Chloe, and..wait for it..MRS. SHANON!!(my bestie)

Where do you fall asleep besides your bed?

well..i dont but right now i relized that i fell asleep on the couch last night and my back ackes .-.

Oh a spaceship landed in my backyard. It came in fast it came in hard. Oh the top popped open. They all came out. They had green ears and purple snouts. Oh they held up signs that made no sense. They pitched up tents.

Oh I remember that :3333
Oh a spaceship landed in my backyard..it landed hard..I forgot is O.O let me look online OwO

gurrrrrllll itssss alllllaaaannnaaa! Want toke a YouTube Chanel???

Heeeeeyyyyyy guuuuurrrrlllllllll, you were just texting me, we'll I don't know if I can DX

Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

yes, my friend cant because of her religion and my friend tried it, she has been doing it for 3-4 months now.

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

my room: well it is new and i just moved in sooo..a one direction poster in a frame


Language: English