

Ask @theycallmewest

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Ok??? Das weird but otay. Lol. -.- hhhhhmmmm im wondering if thats what ur actually saying or if its a part of some song that u always say -.- im confused now :/

No it's true

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no okay she said lay a hand on me I pokes her that's not my hand its my finger and she slapped my back on to my arm then I tried to hit her but Shannon she grabbed me cause shes taller and she made me walk I'm like wtf I wanted to get out of school

thatswhycx’s Profile PhotoBecky✌✊
You should had slap a hoe

Hahaha yea yea. But tbh my bed is bae. Lol and food and the tv :)

Everytime i go in there i see attractive people

Ok so when my sis and i and my mom, we finished going to walmart and when we got i the car my mom was opening a cereal bag cuz we were hungry lol, and the keys were in her hand. And all of a sudden the car just started. But then turned off. The keys were nowhere near the key thingy lol

Walmart is bae 👌


Language: English