
Lim Jaebum

Ask @KryptoniteBum

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Worried that someone could snatch me away from you, babe?

Call_me_Gaga’s Profile PhotoJackson
Or sneak up on you from behind. I'm always afraid someone is going to snatch you away.

Damn, I didn't notice that. Better than Shakespeare ♡ Oh really? You don't trust leaving me all alone while you're in prison? Why do I find that enticing...

Call_me_Gaga’s Profile PhotoJackson
No, I don't trust leaving you all alone. You know why.

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Aw baby, you would bring me to prison with you? I guess that's more practical than bringing with me the cast of my favourite D.

Call_me_Gaga’s Profile PhotoJackson
You rhymed, my handsome poet. Yes, I'd bring you and keep you locked away in my cell where no one else could touch you.

Wake up and realize you are a hell of alot happir with her than you ever had been with him

I'm happy with him though. We've had our downtime but what couple doesn't?

Because life can be busy at times and unfortunately this is the case. But no worries, appreciation will come along some day and in some form.

I suppose I just wait and hope that I know it id you? This is very teasing.

You have a fairly nice butt too, so I think you deserve to be long to that group.

You are so kind. I work hard for that butt


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