
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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What are your thoughts on Muslim or Indian people?

I have no thoughts on them. It doesn't make a difference what their race or religion is. + they receive a lot of discrimination but so does every race
Liked by: Brenda

Do you ever wake up feeling more tired and sometimes emotional

yeah i'm always mad when i wake up on school mornings

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Damn you already sound like you're planning for a hella busy summer

I know so excited and nervous for orientation lol

Jua needs to stop making it so obvious like that if she doesn't wanna get caught. Lmao. Did she get caught more than once Mm

Idk I don't care about her because she makes me mad

What are you doing for v day ? Are you gonna celebrate with your significant other ?

Lol what significant other no I'm gonna do stuff w mom aunt g ma / fam & I'll be away in Santa Cruz that weekend

Allison is just too cool for school why would an need to pay me ? She can use her money to stay cool 😂

She's not cool ok
Liked by: Brenda

How did you apply to be a piano teacher do you need any requirements for that

Yeah you need to be certified and have an interview

Where do you sign up to teach kids ?? How did you get the job ? Is there requirement ?

I applied and it's online. Requirement is you have to have skills of idk leadership / show u can take care of children and be christian

Why Dont u come back to alameda high

It's already second semester it would be no point if I did but honestly I would love to graduate from ahs w all my friends

Where else are you working at other than your job as a piano teacher

I applied for camp, I actually would like to work there & uh I think i might be working for oak mayor a little bit in the summer again

You're free from finals while Allison is over there struggling because her finals are this week !

I know 💁🏼

Omg you can unlike answers now THE GAME HAS OFFICIALLY CHANGED

did you just realize that it's been like a good while LMFAO


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