
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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I think people always sleep really late during sleep overs , but also depends what time y'all gonna wake up tomorrow ..

Well Michelle has work tomorrow & ya we just have brunch then tome tomorrow for dinner

Both sleeping in the living room with a tent and sleeping out on top of your roof has its pros and cons. But why are they so much luckier than the rest of your squad ? Where the rest of your squad going to sleep at ?

When u ppl analyze everything on ask like its a Shakespearean quote

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damn a queen size bed is hella big. do you all have to dress in PJ's or are some of you gonna sleep naked?

Lol I don't have rules we wear whatever

diane and michelle are so lucky !! they get the living room and the roof lmao. michelle is going to have a great time stargazing and looking at the moon. and Diane gets a tent in your living room, which sounds great.

Diane : fuck yes , Michelle: oh LMAO

how was your finals week? did you finish all your exams?

It was meh LOL , my exams were fine a lot of them were two days

Are all your friends sleeping on your bed or are some gonna sleep on the ground

Diane camps in the living room with a tent and Michelle's on my roof

What time was your sleepover supposed to start at ? Whos missing lmao

Idk whenever but everyone's here now LOL

They don't care if you do it in the restroom ? My parents get so annoyed by the smell omg. Eveyetime I paint my nails, mywhole room smells so bad LOL and I don't have Windows too which makes it all.worst.

Why don't u have windows in your room? Yeah my mom gets rly mad but I just do it in my bathroom. It's too cold to open a window in my room rn

Do you watch tutorials online or use the back of the boxes of cookie mix or how did you learn

I look up recipes and I usually do by scratch


Language: English