
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Also, why do you think people party alot in college ? Is it because of the freedom that college students get away from their parents for four years?

No. Because parties are fun and it's a nice thing to do aside from all the studying sometimes. Also personal preference so it doesn't matter what I think

Are you sure everyone's gonna go to at least one party in their four years of college ? I'm excited .

That's good!

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You're already thinking of living in a house for your first year of college ? Dorm is better though !

Omg lol if I'm in a sorority then I will eventually live in a house

I thought you might have applied to an out of state school since you said you wanted to go far away and leave here for college, so was wondering if we applied to any of the same ones. But transportation is difficult so you wont get to travel back home often to visit fam and friends but goodluck !

I'm staying in state. Just did UC's lol. Where'd you apply & who ru
Liked by: Brenda

how are you so sure youre gonna party? you need some connections to go to parties too you know unless u joining a frat or a sorority! but would yu tell your parents if you join Greek life?

You don't need connections to party and how could you go through college for 4 years without going to one. Also why would I not, they'd wonder why I'm living in a house and not a dorm?
Liked by: Brenda

what out of state schools did you apply to? I wanna know if we applied to any of the same ones!!!!

None actually 😐 kinda too far for transpo

what party schools did you apply to? just remember to be happy wherever you get accepted to and choose to go!

I actually don't like that you asked me which party schools I applied to because my priorities are not that
Liked by: Brenda

im not going to tell you what college is and what it isn't. its all based on personal experiences. you wont know until you've been there and experienced it.....so cant wait til next fall when we go off to college :D

Can't wait

your opinion of college might change once you get there. that is usually the case for many people. it isn't what it really is depicted in movies. aloot of people become excited for college and not know the negative things and only know about the positives they hear from people. it usually changes

Thanks but I know enough about college and friends who go to college so you don't have to tell me what is and what isn't.

THANKS FOR THE ADVICE. This is dedication and you are so motivated! You mean like the classes you take and what you choose to major in would help you decide what you want to do in the future like jobs?



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