
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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I still depend on my parents for money and food so I don't know what I can do without them far in college. ive been staying with the same parents for 18 years of my life already, which makes me think that it 'll be difficult to live without them , on my own. why do you want to leave? is it freedom?

Doesn't almost everyone depend on their parents for food and money rn ? That doesn't mean you're going to curl up like a prune when you get to college. You don't need them to be physically there because you need to be independent one day anyways

how can college help you figure out what you want and who you are? you basically figure out yourself each day in your life....please explain I am in the process of deciding what I want to do after high school....

I can't decide that for you, personal preferences ok. & to me I think college would figure out who I am and what I want because im going to be more independent and by the classes I take and I get to choose who I associate myself with

what you mean college is completely different from high school? you mean like living conditions and leaving home to study?

And the people, professors, education in general, just everything is diff

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why would you want to leave and be independent? what makes you want to do that? help; give me a little motivation please. ive applied for college really far away from home. and I applied to csu's mostly because I highly doubt I can get into a uc, so didn't apply to any. but I depend on my parents

I want to just make decisions by myself, live without parents, start and build my own life. Idk where do you live ? & where'd you apply. You should have applied to UC's anyway because you don't know
Liked by: Brenda

high school is easier and necessary but everyone gets it now so its basically not enough in the competitive fields

Hs is stupid and is completely different than college in Terms of a lot

do you ever think about the nightmares u had again once u wake up?

They're usually really detailed so I type them up before I forget

is a college degree necessary or do you think a high school diploma is enough?

High school is def not enough imo

Why do people even choose to go to college? College is known to be hard and stressful, I heard about those college horror stories and it's just scary. And who even enjoys going to school?

What college horror stories ? People choose to go to college because it helps your future and you figure out what you want and who you are. Id like to go to college

school , grades, homework , and stress has just been making me extremely sad lately. I also really miss my family and friends from back home. I moved away from alameda and I've just been really sad. I am actually literally crying because of the stress from school.

I'm sorry, I feel it. Where did you move to? Don't let it get to you too much because school is just one part of your life

Do you cry often? I feel so bad for my eyes bexause I've just been crying so much when I'm feeling sad

Not really. Why? Ru ok

Do you ever feel so sad that you think crying it out would help you

If I'm sad I straight up cry I don't think lol

What level are you on piano theory ? I'm only on level 5 but I already quit piano.

Then y ru still doing theory? I hate theory personally like I can't study for it no matter how hard I study


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