
Jack Jefferson

Ask @eptgen

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No, Really I want you honest opinion what do you think?

No. I have not heard accounts from either sides of the argument, so anything I say would appear ignorant. You could ask me to research it, but honestly I don't want to.

Whose the ugliest person u know

Dear asker: take your name, and map every letter from n to 26-n with modular residue mod 26. (note that a=1, b=2, etc) Then, map every letter from n to n+10 mod 26. Map from n to 4n. Map n to n+12. Then, map n to n*(-4)^(-1) (yes, you have to calculate inverses, don't be lazy). The resulting name, given you did the steps correctly, is the name of the ugliest person I know.
Liked by: Mihir Borkar

Whose the hottest girl you know?

The one with hair... or does she not have hair? Okay, she has feet.... probably. Sorry, can't really describe her... or him, I dunno :/

Are you a fan of Tai Lopez??

knee ledge the night lead and make sure the net meets the meet leegely. make the knuckle ledge count and gnaw the ligament.

😲Negan is coming tonight ☠

We go to the Saviors, preparing for hell,
But we kill all of them and they're still doing well.
They come back for us, capture us, and more,
but in the end, it's just their blood that will pour.
They capture our people, shoot Deryl too,
but at the dusk of today, we'll all say "boo!"
We'll attempt to get out of this mess we're in,
but in the end, "we are all Negan".
-ME, 2016
Liked by: Ford

Language: English