
Jack Jefferson

Ask @eptgen

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There's no C in math. But there's an A in math. So now you have an A in math. Congratulations.
Liked by: Ford

Who r u

I have been asked this many times.
Who am I, but a speck of dust in this world we call home? Perhaps I am not; maybe I am something greater, one who looks over the dust instead of being one of them, but what difference, really, does it make? To an ant, other ants have differing sizes: some tall, some short. But this comparison factor gets destroyed on a smaller scale. Is it possible, with our eyes and perception, to tell apart the heights of two ants? A greater being, looking at us with extreme sorrow for our lack of being, would not even be able to tell a greater power from a smaller power within our confined system. For no matter how much power you think you have, it is indifferent to this greater power. We are no different. We are smaller parts of a greater system, chugging along at what seems to be perpetual. But, dear asker, the force that drives this human system is far from perpetual. This will end, our identity falling with us. Any sympathy or sadness for our kind will quickly end, dissipating like a broken toy tortured by a clumsy child. In the end, the identities of our kind are all the same. You might say that our identity is greater, just because we perceive it so. This may be true, but that is neglecting the fact that thought itself is an abstract method of communicating that has evolved within us. Any thoughts that tell our body that we are meant for something is just the brain trying to console us. This trait is hiding us from the fact that we are just beings waiting to be devoured by something greater.
But, I am ME. There is nothing that could distract ME from being ME. Perhaps it is my brain trying to comfort me, but I am greater than my brain. I will survive, I will acquire knowledge, and I will seek purpose in life in the most gruesome moments. I implore you to not question this identity in me or anyone else, including you, and strive for the impossible goal of purpose. Your identity is important, and you could make it whatever you want it to be. And never forget the most important object existence could ever muster up:

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Best way to harvest the souls of lost children?

1. Put the children in the microwave.
2. Put the microwave in the freezer.
3. Throw the freezer off the mountain.
4. Watch some TV.
5. Turn on the microwave.
Liked by: Ford

Whose your crush?

I don't really drink crush all that often, but I like drinking the strawberry kind. It's not really offered in that many places, though :(
I *really* hope you didn't expect a straight answer out of me for this one.

What terrified u as a child?

I mean, I'm still technically a child, but when I was younger, I hated heights. Like, even the idea of being on a high location scared me.
Liked by: Ford

Favorite cartoon kids show

Okay, this is Spongebob. Spongebob by a long, long shot.
If I was looking forward to something a *little* better animated and a better plot, I would say Avatar: the Last Airbender. But in general, Spongebob.

Whose ur favorite blue eyed half Swiss-Italian guy who has The letter F in his name?

Wait I got this.
... Mahmoud? No, he doesn't have an ask.
Collin? Pretty sure he doesn't have an F in his name.
Deniz? Maybe...
Superman? No, wrong universe.
Haha JK I know it's you mom I mean Ford
Liked by: Ford

Thoughts on kfc

I have mentioned that I like chicken strips, but really, KFC is too salty for me. Also, I feel it's spicy, and I can't stand spicy food. Also, it's pretty unhealthy, and I feel like people are using it as a placeholder for "classic American restaurant".
Liked by: Ford

Favorite Superhero

Does Goku count? Japanese superheros are superheros too, you know. Also, that's honestly the only superhero story I completely read.
I would ask "how about you", but I don't think ask fim supports that.
Liked by: Ford

What's ur favorite food?

Waffle_Pho’s Profile PhotoFord
I want to say that I don't have a favorite food, and because of that desire, I will refrain from mentioning my favorite food for the reason that I do not have a favorite food.
Ha just kidding it's chicken strips (from Peninsula Creamery)
Liked by: Andy Yang Ford

Is ur mom a hwoman?

I don't believe so, because in season 2 episode 5 of gravity falls, the woman which Soos calls "a hwoman" has a lighter hair color than my mom. I apologize sincerely that this is not the case, but I could probably make it up to you by answering this question.
Liked by: Ford

Do u think I'm attractive?

To not keep redundancy in my answers, I will simply reference the past question I have answered. Unfortunately, my laziness seems to have won over that battle against me, and I will not reference it in this answer. Please forgive me, and you could probably find the answer to your question earlier in the feed.
Liked by: Ford

What time do u usually go to sleep on weekends?

I actually go to sleep around 12:30. Or at least, I try to. Sometimes 12:30:01. PM, of course.
Liked by: Ford

Go on ur ask fim!

I don't believe I am obliged to, but I thank you for your support upon the answers of the questions that you, and only you, ask me.
Liked by: Ford

Who is the most recent person u made out with

I think it's you, but I'm not really sure. I actually can't remember very well. Oh wait, I never made out with anyone. Pay no mind, I am just trying to recuperate after breaking through the barrier that was the only obstacle between me and this website.
Liked by: Ford

Y aren't u answering my questions?!

Why isn't your answering the answering of my questions? I believe that I am an answerable question.
Liked by: Ford


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