
Yung Gin

Ask @cherriesndgrapes

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my sister just had boy girl twins yesterday and she can't decide if she should get her son circumcised or not.... what do you think she should do? what would your mom have done if you had been a boy?

I'm not sure hun I think it would be painful for the baby so I would go against it

So let's say you work in a beauty parlor & you can cut hair, a woman comes in and your first reaction is WTF because her hair looked like Marge Simpson lol so she comes in and expects you to cut it all off, what would you do if there's (crabs, spiders and a Bat yep a BAT. Stuck in her hair) ?????

Scream & run

Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

Not me but my mom is boycotting Disney world

what's wrong? ?

I feel like I have to throw up , my nose hurts from blowing it for 3 days, and throat still feels weird , I'm just patiently wait for it to be over
Liked by: aaaayrad

welp. the weekend is over, and I'm heading back. my phone is on 28%. I shall miss all I don't hear from, and I loves all. -opens the trunk for anyone who can fit- ❤️

yung_gypsy’s Profile Photoms. rodrick
(hops in your trunk)


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