

Ask @ProjectWomanUp

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Haters: get off anon so I can teach you what real manners are. Clearly, you miss that lesson called "human decency." This movement is beautiful, and I can't believe that you are all narrow minded, why don't you all leave Wattpad and rethink your life choices. Basically, leave.

LockAnKey’s Profile PhotoQueen Locky ™
i love you, locky

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Hi! I would just like to say that we never left the app, or deleted the account whatsoever. We've all just been very busy with school and exams, so I don't know where that rumor is coming from?? But it is certainly not true.

protectfemcharacters’s Profile Photo#PFCC2K16
don't worry, i could bet money on it not being true. i doubt i could disprove all of it but i'm certainly used to people sprouting lies in my question box
Liked by: Queen Locky ™

You should put this on other platforms

like social media platforms? i have some close friends who said they wanted to expand it that way. they actually would've been up by this weekend but with all the hate i told them not to. i don't want them to feel like i do because of this whole thing.

TransAllyCommunity told me not to follow you because you don't support anyone outside the cisgender box. Why don't you support people outside the box? Don't you know you yourself are probably outside the box? FOLLOW OTHERS YOU STUPID GIRL!! OTHERS MIGHT SUPPORT IT!! BE NICE!! I'M UNFOLLOWING YOU!!

I have no idea why they would say that. I did tell them I wouldn't follow their campaign / community because it was only for transgenders (stated in their profile) and it wasn't open to the public. I truly believe that they would tell you this and that they are causing some of this hate.
The campaign / community seems very new. They actually begged and pestered me to follow them. I can't follow something I wasn't allowed to support.
As for the whole cisgender box thing I actually took to google and Bing and yahoo and every other search engine to research it and I'm actually inside the cisgender box.
I do follow others. I follow a lot of other campaigns and people who absolutely deserve my follow. If I'm not 100% sure that I want to follow you, I won't. People forget that this is MY campaign and I'm putting myself out there to try and make a difference. People also tend to forget that with my campaign comes my rules. If you exclude a certain type of people from following and I am the type that's excluded I won't follow you and I don't want other people to see me following something that they're all "not allowed" to be apart of.
I wouldn't have said anything before about that but now you're pushing me to say something with all the messages I'm getting pestering me to answer about the community.
If your so offended and persistent about sending messages trying to make me go crazy then it's a waste of your time. I have a hunch about who's been sending these messages and now that I've actually gotten a campaign name out of it I think I know who.
Thanks for helping me figure this out! I owe you one c;

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your following some foreign people on your personal account. do you speak different languages but not want to open them up to foreign people? why not? that's so racist what the hell is wrong with you?

I went through my following list on my personal and did find a Spanish person. To be honest on Wattpad I don't follow people because of their writing. People often forget I'm a Graphic Designer as well. I follow some people just because I like the graphics they make. I like some peoples style and if I constantly see them in my newsfeed doing different things it helps inspire me to make different covers. Don't try to tell me I'm the only one who does this because I know for a fact I'm not.
If you actually checked the account it would show you that I do have foreign accounts up and running. Check them to your hearts desire. I don't really care anymore.

you just make campaigns to gain followers on your personal don't lie. and so many people are falling for it. i'm embarrassed for wattpad

I fail to see how I can be doing this for fame when I don't ever shout myself out or anything. The only way you know I made it is if you look in the bio. That's legit the only way. And if you've actually checked my personal profile I only have around 700 followers; WHICH BY THE WAY I'M LOOSING FOR PUTTING MYSELF OUT THERE AND CREWTING PROJECTWOMANUP. So yeah, check your facts before you go and try to pick a fight with me


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