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Ka marco ka marco kok suka flash sih, kan bisanya cuma lari lari doang

Powers and abilities[edit]
Wally's primary superpower is his ability to control the speed of which his body vibrates and to move at super speed, which he uses primarily to run at super-human velocities. This super speed is derived from his connection to the Speed Force: a vaguely defined extra-dimensional energy force from which most speedster heroes draw their powers (while the original Flash, Jay Garrick, can draw upon the Speed Force, allowing him to keep a degree of super speed even when the Speed Force was cut off from the others).
While many hypothesize that the Speed Force is to an extent sentient, most utilize it primarily as just a tool, drawing upon it and using it when necessary; however, Max Mercury, a veteran speedster, has been able to commune and communicate with it, making it his life's goal to unlocking its secrets with many calling him the "Zen Master of the Speed Force". The Speed Force serves as the ultimate measure of velocity in the DC Universe. They are often referred to in terms of barriers: Sound Barrier, Light Barrier, Time Barrier, Dimensional Barrier, and finally the Speed Force Barrier.[citation needed]
While most to all speedsters can make a connection and draw upon this force, West "mainlines" power from the Speed Force itself and cannot be cut off from the source. This connection to the Speed Force allows him additional abilities than other speedsters, such as lending and taking speed (which manifests in different ways, ranging from becoming speedsters themselves to bolstering others metabolisms and healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries in a fraction of the normal time), as well as absorbing kinetic energy in a less direct manner; he once absorbed the kinetic energy of the entire planet Earth while standing at the North Pole when his teammates were forced to move the planet to prevent possible earthquakes. Wally has also found a way to create a costume out of pure Speed Force energy.
Like all Flashes, Wally is surrounded by a protective aura that allows him to resist the heat created by the pressure of compressed air caused by moving at super speed as well as other environmental consequences of moving at such velocities. It is not known how Wally is able to circumvent the damage moving at such great speeds would normally have on the environment, but it has been hypothesized that his protective aura allows him to "side step" such environmental consequences. Because of his powers and connection to the Speed Force, he can run at varying speeds for extended periods of time without needing rest or causing damage to his body. It is his connection to the Speed Force that constantly rejuvenates him while running making it so he does not literally feed upon his own body to generate the energy for super speed. Even so, as a consequence of his sped up metabolism, he finds it necessary to eat often and in great quantities to help supply the chemical energy needed to run like he does.
Using his abilities

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Kak, itu alis sama jenggotnya natural ? kok aku ngeliat muka kakak kayak Jafar di film Aladin yaa :v

HAHAHAHA kurang ajar. Lakban dong itu. Engga engga,itu natural sungguh aku tak berbohong,tapi jenggot kan udah dicukur :')

marco kok pake baju item terus. hang outnya di dharmais ya

Beli bajunya lusinan,tiap minggu beli 12,sudah berlangsung selama 3 bulan,hangout sama hantu
Liked by: Avocaaaado

wkwkwk emang selalu ngelawak kak marcoo ini. tungguin aja kak pasti banyak yg nanya, kan kk eksizhhh!

Ini keliatannya gua pengen banget ditanya tanya ya :"( Padahal emang iya
Liked by: qonita umar

KA, punya pacar baru ya. namanya rendi

YA. Kok tau,jangan direbut ya,dia udah kurus! Ga makan roki lagi

kasian banget lu. Pengen banget ditanyain sampai refresh aja 14 kali? kasihan.. cepcepcep..

Kan pengen happening juga kaya yang lain :'( Semua orang boleh bermimpi kan

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