

Ask @EternaLEnVy1991

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Afther the mayor how high you rate n0tail as a core

He's a player who loves the game and plays it his own way whether its right or wrong. He plays a lot of dota and has a high hero pool with interesting ways of playing all his heroes. I generally try to watch him because hes interesting and some of the things he does are special. Hes the only carry in the world who has weirder deaths than me I think.
More importantly he knows when his heroes are good and how to draft them. This aspect makes him very good in comparison to no brain carries. DotA has become way more draft oriented.
Not sure what to say really, hes extremely good. Can't really measure him like oh he carries harder than burning or some shit or farming efficiency bullshit.
That stuffs old school. Hes good new school way i guess?

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Chinese pros say they aren't afraid of Secret because they can 'easily counter a team that has EE'. I got the impression from the CDEC series too that they seem to be read your farming patterns like a book and gank you at will. Do you have any plans to change your playstyle especially against China?

I'm sure they think it has more to do with strategy than play. Since I participated in more Chinese LANs than any other western player they have some stupid thing going on. Pretty sure we'll be fine

Can you clarify what you mean by 'fast dota' or when you refer to 'speed' in dota. I think a lot of us are confused :S ty!

there are players that are happy when they get a kill and there are players that think about how one kill can translate to the next move right away. There are also players that are sad when they die versus players that instantly think of what to do next

what's the most next level play you have made in a game that you can remember?

when I said I'm gonna permanently backdoor w/ clinkz at MLG g3 finals and told my team to force staff me in and AUI was like alright im down im buying a blink on chen. And we killed that rax.
actually nah I'm sure the bullshit venomancer pull i did at DH was the most next level play then followed by the rubick mid pulls vs empire

Is demondota one of the most individually talented players in NA? what does his team need to do to improve performance?

There's enough "talent" out there nowadays. This sort of thinking is honestly very meaningless. What T2/T3 teams need is a constructive way for a team to grow, an understanding of dota/picks, and smart people that have the balls to control a team. The team also needs to have low enough ego to have everyone follow the leader.

Why do you consider FATA one of the best players youve ever played with?

post TI4 he tried really hard during tournaments and he learns really fast in general. He didn't show EGO in his lack of knowledge and took in everything I gave him very quickly. He's a top 1on1 player who was a master of the top picks of that meta panda/veno/puck n he didn't give up under pressure or even when his teammates were being extremely toxic. He plays a very fast dota and in general is just very smart.
It's too bad he became toxic afterwards but oh well it happens. Mb hell be back mb he wont well see.


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