

Ask @EternaLEnVy1991

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Thoughts on Ritsu? or BSJ? if u answer one please answer about demon

I have no thoughts on ritsu or bsj. But w/e ritsu is doing he is making it harder for himself to go pro even if he's good. I think Demon is at a breaking point where he may actually have the fortitude to go pro and destroy again. But he might break randomly so it's risky

Do you think kicking aui is the best decision?

I believe that if we stuck with the old roster or had I drafted at TI we wud have find much better. Though I don't think we cud of won TI doing both so I have no regrets. I failed in many regards this year as I do every year, those are my regrets not the drafting of okayer decisions

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do you think singsing will find a new team before the majors

Singsing has strong mechanical skills n good spell casting. He's also the guy you can depend on to find scrims n show up on time n to play officials with passion n will never argue during a real game. Surprisingly these qualities are hard to find even in T1 players. Sadly he has many other negative traits that gives him a bad reputation. A low understanding of picks, an ego which doesn't allow him to learn from others or to copy heroes, an ego which makes him a bad teammate n stressful to play with, low game understanding n a very selfish real life persona. I feel like the very moment he loses his ego n understands that trying hard doesn't mean just playing a lot or w/e. That's simply just doing what's convenient for you. Trying hard is when you push yourself to being a better person, to do things your not at all comfortable with, and you do these things with a smile

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Do you think you'll try to form another team as captain or join a pre-existing team as a normal player?

It doesn't matter I can adjust to any role mb not mid n I naturally stop talking when ppl are shot calling unless their calls are super game losing. I don't do panic calls I only make calls when I'm confident n I only override calls when they are game losing. I cud take on either role but I prefer not talking unless I want to push with a Mek on razor or late game

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