

Ask @Dayzheart

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Do you have a fictional idol?

(>_<) I know slot call her dense but honda from fruit basket I love her because I watched her when I wan in my mean teenage phase and I remembered how nice it was to be good to others no matter what. I love her

What's your favorite fictional city? (previous question: Who's*)

Sadly a different story of gypsy's home a magical forest with a flower that only blooms once a year in the last day of December

Whose your favorite character from fiction?

One of the toughest questions I ever encountered T_T
I like evil deep characters for some reason.
I forget her name though XD
The golden compass the evil rich director she had a monkey spirit and a sharp tongue. Mmmmmm
I like all the characters that forced me to think
And I leaned from

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What is one thing that you have to experience before you die?

A kiss under the rain after a picnic

Who do you think should rule us? Do you think that we need a fair ruler to survive? Or is having a ruler unnecessary? Please explain.

We need some one to blame I guess
In reality this question can have several right answers
A leader with a vision and a loving Kind heart that would Care for his /her
People. In history and now days
Has proved to be not such a bad choice
Looking closer it's never an individual ruling system. This leader has an honest group that fulfill his vision. Correct mistakes and prevent them too. And add brilliant ideas.
And small town is what I love the most. This is how officials should handle the issues. Getting thier hands dirty .
Then it hit me
The best ones to rule are mayors .
When you have a complicated problem. What do we do
We subdivide it to smaller segments. Take a closer look and start working.
Mayors are close to the people. They live the lives of their people
One on one interaction they understand more.
And on the other hand I wonder if machine and man live together eliminating politics. No boarders. We wouldn't have names in the system we would have numbers.
But then cruel logic. Of machine would destroy the world.
So they shouldn't rule man kind
And It's not the issue of unnecessary
The minute you have a group of people living together or dealing with one another a leader will emerge. It's in our nature to classify and organize to achieve more and understand what to do.
Small scale or on a bigger scale
There will be a leader.
Hopefuly a smart loving one ^_^
I have no idea why I kept ignoring this good question XD

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لا تفاولين على نفسج. الحياة أجمل من الموت بكثير.

:) شكراً
Liked by: ١

تموتين قبل ما تكفرين ابرك من انج ن تعيشين على الاستهزاء بالدين الحنيف

آمين ان شاء الله أموت و افتك من كل شي

Do you want help in punishing her? >:)

Heheeheh it's OK. Thanks for the faz3a
Am handling her just fine ::>_<::

توبي و خلي عنج وساوس الشيطان و تذكري اخرتج و المنافقين بالدرك الاسفل من النار

يا اختي
اومن انا بالعدالة النهائية
و الحياة بعد الموت لكن تكوينة مجتمعنا ، تأليه رجال الدين كانهم وكلاء عن الرب
و نعلم نفسنا نزهد و ننطر الاخرة
هذه موعيشة
علمونا نحب الفقر و الالم لانه كفارة
سيسوا الدين
و ازرعوا فينا كره الحياه بدل الحب و اغلاق العقل عن السؤال
انا ما الوم اي فكرة عن الافعال المبنية عليها
و لا. جان اقصينا الفيزياء بسبت القنابل النووية و لكن شلون باي حق نجدم ا النقل عالعقل
و تسمونه معجزة كل زمان و مكان و انتوا ترفضون صب القرآن في قالبنا الزماني
شئتي ام ابيتي قرآنا غامض هذه الحقيقة
و يحمل عدة اوجه و قالها عمر ان ما خاب ظني
بالتالي في طريجين اما نعتبر زئبقية القرآن هي المعجزة المنظرة الي تكشف للانسان روحه فان كان طيب بيستخلص معاني طيبة تعكس روحه الجميلة اما اذا كان شرير بيلقى ايضاً تبرير لشره
هل ناخذ بدون نظر لسياق الاحداث الي انزلت فيه كل آية ؟؟؟؟؟؟ بعض الآيات نفس الجواري ما تحتاجها لانها انتهى عصرها وين تطبقها اللحين ؟
او و هذا سبب الحاد المبرر للكثير ان الزئبيقية هذه هي حقيقة نسخ القرآن حرفياً من ديانات سابقة
دليل واحد تفسيرين . تعلمي تحترمين اختيار البشر و الحاد واحد بالمكسيك شلون بيضركم ؟ ثم شلون يهون عليج تشوفين أشخاص قمة باللطف محروقين في جهنم منكلين فقط لانه ما امنوا برب غني عنهث
من خلقنا بيكون رحيم فينا و غلط نندعي ان احنا فوق البشر . كلنا سواسية
و تبين الصج هذا نقاش عقيم ماله داعي . لا تمصخرين نفسج اكثر

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How would you like to change the world?

Accept difference as part of being human.
Respect. Love and justice by distributing the world's fortune equally.
It's our earth no the cooperation industry world
Screw capitalism

In your opinion, who is better? A moral dimwit or an immoral genius? By better, I mean who would you prefer to be friends with?

The immoral genius . Because he is more likely to be more interesting and I sure appreciate a good mind blowing conversation my dear friend

"ياثوم" What is it? definition

bad dream a kind that feels heavy on you. comes due to overly stress or a ridiculously heavy meal

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

when I can't sleep I talk to a friend tell I fall a sleep
in the morning I think xD

Men who are modest around women. But are insanely crazy around their friend. what do you think of those?

cute and I think they have a greater respect for women ^_^
chivalrous too ♕
Liked by: Osha

Someone who tells you "do not be friendly to that person" and if you did he just cuts the relationship between you...

that's not right :/
but I can't be a judge over a story from one side
but in general it's wrong +_+

Am taking a botany course and it's killing me to the limit, with thya2 albader :/

still don't give just rewrite and summaries what you have to learn u can do it ^_^
Liked by: Zamzam ✨


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