

Ask @Dayzheart

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عاجبتني "تنزلج سفرة" لول بس كلش كلش بس اخذي البنائية الساعة 1 فعندج الصبح تنامين على راحتج و إذا عندج امتحان هم على راحتج و الماده منطقية و سهله حرام تاخذينها عند المشوط و يحبطج و يخليج تكرهين حياتج

يمكن مايكل ينزلها ..... لاترددوني
والله احتاج عطلة تعبت T_T
بحن على راو ينزلها كورس اول >_<¦¦¦
Liked by: Besh❌

إذا ماكو سفره ما تستاهل الاجازه :x

شسوي والله تعبانة T_T~T_T~
و ماتدري يمكن تنزل لي سفرة ::>_<::

عيل إذا ما سافرتي بتنطقين :)

جان زين ههههههههه اللله يرزقني بسفرة ، بس معليه فيها سفرة عمان الصيف الياي ::>_<::

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صدقيني عند راو حده سهلات و راحة و امتحناته مو صعبة ^_^

ادري T_T
غصب اقنعت نفسي بالعطلة لاني احتاجها
و مراح اسوي زين اذا مو مشتهية حتى لو راو T_T

للعلم ترا راو بينزل بنائية بالصيفي ^_^

ادري عشان جذي قلبي شوي معورني و مسجلة عنده بس بسحبها لانه والله تعبت تركيزي ميح ~T_T~

Lol believe me it will just make you die younger wasting you energy on shallow and sensetive people Remember everyone has their own life and their own paths they took which lead them to be like this ^_^'

I guess so, but don't worry am too tide up with my inner wish I don't really Care for those outside my close circle.
And you are right each and every one of us has that edge
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

Do you tend get pissed off quickly when your around people? i dont mean like "Really pissed off" in za3al term but t6fren bsr3a ;p

Heheheh I don't know depends on there character
If they are too sensitive or too shallow then I can't be calm around them
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

And more fit for sports ^_^

Yes Yes. Am good at sport.
Basket ball volly ball
running, high jumps
Swimming I used to xD
And tennis I used to scare them in high school xD
My hits are really strong
Good old times
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

Lol indeed ^_^

And the most important point I forgot to add.
Tall people get to eat more and not world y as much about wieght . Because they need more food
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

that why my next question is "why you like being tall" ?

It suits my personality.
I like "tall "
not Me being biased but Science says it's more attractive and indicate strength
And simply dress look nicer on tall girls and I love dress and I love jeans , jeans looks amazing on long legs ::>_<::
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

it's not fun each month i come to the gathering a new born that i didnt even know that my cousin is married she brings also i have several cousins and aunts that i dont even know -_-

o(^^o) still u can see it as an adventure. A big family to explore and u unite against the world 0^◇^0)/ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

Well that's not much ^_^ i have 11 aunt and 11 uncle(including dad) from my dad's side ;p

Mashallah o(^^o) that's so cute
I would love to try the feeling of my big fat Greek wedding kin of gathering. It's Fun XD
Each kind of family big or small like mine have there up and down.. and Yeah compared to all the old Kuwait generation . My grandma has her own strong opinion not go bring too many kids that u can't take Care of to this world, even though all the women in her age would have 6-7 minimum
Interesting really ^_^=
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

how many uncle and aunts do you have? :o

By blood three Uncles and one aunt, another Uncle باارضاعة >_<¦¦¦
Add to that my mom's cousins from four sides I call anut and Uncle
Funny thing my dad's family is very small ^_^
Liked by: Sara Alenezi

how come?

My aunti is married to a qatari so all her children and grandchildren are there and they mashallah a lot most of them are my age but the cousins I have in Kuwait are not any where neary age
It's ok ^_^ less social responsibility
And peer pressure XD
All the ones in Kuwait are either too old or too young


Language: English