

Ask @Dayzheart

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لوووول شنو هذا كله بدليات

مو بدليات ههههه يعني الله يرزقج بشخص جميل قالباً و قالباً
اذا بدليات عاد طوفي عاد يلا عاد عاد عاد عاد

مثلما الكتب تحتوينا جعل الله لك قلباً يحتويكب > ذوف سارووه

o>_<o~ آمين عزيزتي
و لك بالمثل هالدعوة الجميلة
بلس مزيون XD
عشان روحج و عينج تفرح كل يوم
Liked by: Abdull.

I always read 2 novels at the same time. One has to be Arabic, and the other is English. So we two are the same! Awesome. =p

I should put more effort in building my reading skills, am. Too random but that's nice to have somwthing in comon o>_<o~

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وليس لنا في الحنين يدٌ ولكن في البعد لنا ألف يدٍ سلامٌ علي أفتقدك جداً وعلي السلام فيما أفتقدِ ً طرى علي (¯▼¯)

ليتني أستطيع الرد بشعر و قصيدة
ليتني اريك ما تعبيرك فعل بقلبي
نبضاتٌ ترقص و الخجل ثقيل على أهدابي
ما وجدت أجمل من دعوة للرحمن أن يحميك لي على مر الزمان

What books are you currently reading? And what's on your to-read list? (If any.)

حياة في الإدارة لغازي القصيبي ❤ممتع
مقالات نزار القباني الكتابة عمل انقلابي
The listening Australian Sci-fi , it's difficult XD the accent is sure a barrier I keep leaving it, so it's my next project to finish it
Eager to read ما معنى ان تكون ً وحيداً لفهد العودة
هههه مكس عربي انكليزي مخي يفكر باللغتين بنفس الوقت صداع

Do you think Kuwait will be proud of you one day, or will the people someday follow you in riots?

Hopefully shake some sense to my beloved community
There for a better kuwait so yeah, proud or at least knowledge, I can do it, with my writing
Am not the kind who would lead a riot
Am the kind who will fix a problem the government couldn't handle ::>_<:: .
Id like that more. Like joining The green line in Kuwait that would be so awesome
Mmm soft change like the tides changing the shape of the beach's rocks

What, in your opinion, is more important: Wisdom or Happiness? (Note that wisdom often leads to unhappiness, and happiness often leads to ignorance.)

Wisdom will tell you how to be happy.
Or at least keep you off stupid roads that will make you more miserable
And on the contrary productive people are happy people. .and happy people tend to be more energized and so on
So just may be being happy really is not about how smart you are but what you offer to the world
Fact it starts with accepting Your self
Ignorance however is caused by lack of self awareness
Ignoring reading
Ignoring learning new skills
to be fair There are different types of "smart " to
I am often told am wise. By often I mean as along as I remember very odd feeling . In fact only now I feel my age finally matched my mind any way that's another story I may not be the happiest person alive but am not miserable
I think it's irrelevant to what you know or don't know
It's how you react to what's happening around you
That will determine your happiness or misery
Good question
Many correct answers

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وجدت تناقض! الأبوين قد يخلفون ولد واحد. هل هذا معناته إن 1 + 1 = 1؟ أو 1 + 1 = 3؟؟؟ هههه صدناج سارة. لا مجال للفوز. إستعدي للهزيمة. مواهاهاها! كل عام والكويت بألف خير

كلهم صح
من ناحية الام و الأبو
كل الي اقوله ان. احنا استنتجنا تحصيل الحاصل من بيئتنا و من ثم بنينا عليه و تفرع
و ما اقبل انا الهزيمة بسهولة o>_<o~

هذا مو رد منطقي. هههههه. الرد المنطقي هو: لأنه ال1 هو تصوير لشيء واحد، وال2 هو تصورنا لشيئان، والجمع هو عملية ربط مجموعة مع مجموعة لتكوين مجموعة جديدة. ولهذا، 1 + 1 = 2 في الفلسفة تسمى "تحصيل حاصل" والحاصل حصل عليه بسبب تعريفاتنا لكل فرد أو عملية. ^^

بس الاولاد يون من والدين o>_<o~
اعتقد ما توصلوا لحاصل و تحصيل الا من تؤملاتهم بكل شي حولهم
اجتماع اثنين ينتج عنهم افراد
من وين بى تفسير الفلاسفة
وين الانعكاس

That's awesome! Allah ywaffegha. What do you want to be when you graduate?

thanks, My first first first first first dream
Was to be a researcher, a scientist and work in KISR
Plan b, doctor in my geo department now i find it fun to energies students to work harder and achieve.
But who knows one think I leaned don't build expectations
Just work hard and stay grounded and Allah will reveal for you, a path u can never imagine
A better one

Of course, I may be wrong. But that's what I think. Anyway, what does your sister study/do?

She is an elementary school teacher, اجتماعيات >_<¦¦¦

Do you think there is a relation between the greatness of someone and the problems he/she faces?

I like to think so, the most Interesting people I know are ones who've been through hell.
I guess experiences adds to you , a wider perspective a stronger spirit, the kind like I survived this I can survive any thing
And yet you learn how to Care, at least so no one get hurt like you did
I guess hardship and pressure makes you or breaks you

What do you think of divorce?

For troubled marriages a mercy for the poor kids, it's saves the partners from depression it's an end. Ends make people sad weather the story was romance or drama
but It's a new beginning too.
And at times shows how shallow some people are to walk away from their responsibility for pitiful reasons
just another tough choice to make
Yes It should be tough.

what's your plan for the week?

Read. Study. Movies. Writing. Browsing the area for a good gym e_e like scanning the area XD
Simple and relaxing nothing major

There is a saying says "Revenge is an endless chain" explain it and what do you think of it?

No saying is always correct but
What I understood is that you can't put out fire by creating another fire, so getting even with some one is not the wise thing to do why falling to thier road why burning some mother's heart
Or why losing your true self
Learn to be smarter not to be catched again but don't fall for the dark

Do you think that we might discover god one day in the world of Physics?

We already did am too sick to explain
But it's a mere arrogant to believe this spectacularly Unicode came to existing by chance.
I believe there are many laws to be discovered as well
The seven skies
Is just one example of many

We will! And in the very near future, appliances will. ;)

I am all for scifi I know it can turn you reality, but some facts will never change one is authority figures, power becuse some only feel above when putting some one beneath them :)

What are three things that you consider very noble (Even if you don't practice them)?

1- helping strangers at all time and circumstances
2- speaking up the truth and defending the weak
3-peaceful heart the kind that is above hate


Language: English