

Ask @Beauty_Girrl

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Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

I think about the past and future the most. I make out what happen then see what other way would of made it better. I think about the future, wondering what would happen.

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What's the worst advice you've ever taken?

Probably..we'll, I trust the right people so that has never really happend.

Do you prefer very spicy or non-spicy food?

I like some spicy foods, like candy, or ORANGE CHICKEN!! YUM!!
But most foods I prefer non-spicy bit I do love spice :)


Beauty_Girrl’s Profile PhotoJillian
Me,"man! I left my note cards at school." .__.
Sister,"you can play ponies with me!"
Me,"I can't. Because I'm too awesome!!"
*walks away like a model*

What is your most treasured possession?

My medal that I got in 5th grade(I was the only one) and it was for being honorable, a leader, honest, helpfulness, and so much more. I really charish it and hope to have it forever.


Language: English