
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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You've been candid on on having 'negative body image' issues. However, you've posted a fair number of shirtless pics on Instagram. We'll take you at your word that you're not trying to be 'high profile and getting more people wanting to get fucked by you' but what are those pics for... ?

It's nice. It feels good. I'm also documenting a process.
Hey I'm not perfect okay.

Are you the type of person who finds 'escapism' seductive - move away to a new place where no one knows you and start fresh...?

Yes. That's my biggest want right now. I really want to start afresh.

I'd challenge this notion of 'guys don't like to look at cock.' The most successful hardcore videos have lots of 'big cock' inside them. If you look at even the oral sex videos, or the anal sex videoes, the 'cocks' dominate the screen taking up much of the real estate. So men do look at lots of cock

Fair point. Thank you.

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Why is it lesbians are ok (girl on girl is damn hot) and a guy and a guy is looked down upon?

Because for some men, the more vaginas you look at the more masculine you are, and looking at penises attacks your masculinity.
I'm saying that out of spite.
It's pretty simple. Guys like vaginas.

Are there girls in a gay bar like Play? The girls are lesbian too?

Yes. We have straight girls and lesbians too who attend our parties.
Again, PLAY is all-inclusive. We welcome everyone.

I think it's really good you're comfortable in your own skin. Some of us, me included, are afraid to come out and face the world.

We all have our time. Some never, some soon, some you have to fight for it.

There is a perception that all gay guys go to gay bars. So that is not true?

Used to be, gay bars were the 'safe haven' where gay men go to to find other gay men. It still is, but not so much so now in Singapore partly because of dating apps and also because our society is more open to homosexuals.
Now we just hang out at cafés too. LOL.

You're definitely and surely gay? But you did date girls in the past.

Uhm? Yeah, and? I dated girls in my teens. That's when we discover ourselves.
Turns out I actually really liked guys. At some point it 'clicked' that I was always gay since I was a kid. Every gay guy has similar stories like this.

Noticed a "straight" guy from Instagram partying at PLAY with a bi friend of his. What is the likelihood of a guy like that actually being straight? How often does PLAY get straight guys?

Play welcomes all sexualities. We don't discriminate. Yes we have groups of people who are straight and bi regularly partying with us.

Hide under a rock because they are afraid of the world's judgement against them because they are different. What matters most is that they are happy and society shouldnt try to change that but instead just accept who they are and not pass judgements or treat them unfairly. Stay happy, audi!! Xx

Hey thank you for the kind words. I hope you too are comfortable with your sexuality. Stay confident!

Hey u dont know me in real life and stuff but just wna say i love your writing like how its not biased and stuff u write really beautifully!! And i love the fact that you're open about your sexuality and dont care what others think i think thats really positive and people who are gay should not-


Do I have to declare I'm gay during army?

You can but there is absolutely little to no reason why you logically should.

What advice would you give to a gay pre-enlistee regarding camp life?

Many gay people have gone through NS before you. Many have had no problems. Some become the common clerk. Others become shining examples of their rank or appointment.
Your sexuality is irrelevant to your duty. Don't use it as a crutch to get you out of responsibilities.

Why do you plan to delete some of your more academically related responses ? What is unique about these posts that they are worth replying to but not worthy to remain persistent as part of your social media footprint ?

I don't know. Why not? The asker gets his answers still.

Why do you choose your real name as your username and not an identity that is less direct?

I knew right from the start that I would be touching on controversial topics. One of it was homosexuality. I just thought if I wanted to say something, I would own it and tag it onto my name. I just think there's more honesty in that. Here is a real person, with a real name, and this is his opinion.
It would be hypocritical for myself if I were to champion individuality, LGBT pride yet hide behind @User_ID536.
Liked by: Thura

Many a grad student has needed to resubmit their work because they started talking about shit that they didn't really know about... (jks) Enjoy resubmitting your essays.

Well I did look through my answers and... fuck it. I'll leave it as it is. I've got a video game to play!

Not that you care... but but the 'play of language' in academic discourses around controversial terms like 'high-profile' also creates confusion... I hope you better understand the context of the previous questions related to connected social media capital.

Oh damn now I gotta rewrite all those answers!

FYI The academic construct of 'high profile' relates more to having more genuine power and influence with the community you connect to. It is beyond 'just getting attention' but more akin to some things you have expressed like being a real person people can relate to...

It is? My apologies. When it comes to on-the-ground colloquial speak, high-profile is equivalent to how many followers you have, how hot you are, and how many people want to get fucked by you. It's all rather superficial, with no meaning to it.
There aren't any role models in the gay community now. Role models. That, is genuine influence. That is what I would honestly call 'high-profile'.

Do you think the present concerns of teenage boys (straight and others) having ready access to hardcore porn that warps their sense of healthy sexuality is largely overblown ? (ie reports of teenagers sexting and more girls sucking cock and swallowing, etc)

I haven't gotten the chance to do enough readings on this matter.
I'll say this though: Teens will be teens. They will experiment. The least a responsible society could do is view sex as some sort of taboo and not discuss it. Sexual health and education should be more liberal in schools. You cannot expect to just not talk about it and wish it away.

(Contd) are juxtaposed. Do you find it ironic that according to the academic construction of 'high profile' being more authentic will make you more high profile (which is an identity you are actively resisting)?

Really? Being yourself makes you 'high-profile'? What I've only seen are people who put up many layers of facades, constructing their online social media presence. Some go as far as even plastic surgery to look better in photos. We have people buying followers, we have those who post up fancy pictures of expensive nonsense when we all know in reality he's living on borrowed favors and is broke all the time.
Being yourself, for most people, sends you into mediocrity. You become 'average', therefore, not interesting. Unless, of course, you're naturally interesting. A friend of mine is notorious for his inflated ego online. He gets a lot of hate. I think these haters are too stupid to not be able to see behind the facade that all this inflated ego is a construct, sort of a tongue-in-cheek, almost satirical. I find it bloody hilarious. I find that interesting. The haters also find it interesting in some way... that's why they speak about him.
So I guess it's really not about being yourself/genuine = more attention. Like everything else, you need to stand out if you want to build an audience. Some people do it naturally, many more have to build their persona.

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Academic discourses on the nature of the term 'high profile' used in LGBT spaces in SIngapore have identified authenticity as one of the means to increase connected social media capital. How do you feel that your personal reluctance to accept that label but desire to be more authentic (contd).


How do you feel about your new 'Dear Audi' advise column?

I need a huge disclaimer to tell people that I am not a licensed counselor. I give opinions and advice but they are not infallible. There's only so much I understand about the world around me.


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