
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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In a past life do you think you were Chinese (assuming you believe in reincarnation)?

That is hilarious, haha! No, honey. That has never came across my mind.
I did have a chat with one of my mentors a few years ago, and I was sharing with him some really peculiar dreams I keep having, and he pointed out certain habits I do that make no sense such as always tying my shoelaces tightly.
There is this recurring dream I've always had that has me starting on beach, and I'm a part of a beach assault operation in Vietnam. I don't know how I know it's Vietnam, I just know I'm there, and I'm fighting against other Vietnamese. One of the last things I remember of the dream is charging up the sand and then getting shot right in the head. I have felt my skull collapse, and my teeth disintegrate. These dreams tend to be very vivid.
My mentor then said in my past life I was probably in the Vietnam war, which sort of explained a lot of my tastes and my draw for older things. He mused maybe the reason why my shoes are always so tightly worn is because the last time it was lose, I died. Haha.
It's nonsensical, and just amusing chatter. But, no, I don't know what I was in my past life. Probably a fisherman or something.

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what is the meanest most unnecessary gossip that has been spread to you in the gay circle?

That I'm actually very good in bed. Now I feel so pressured to step up my game all the time!
Liked by: Thura

Are you considered old in the scene?

I'm 26. My younger friends are starting to call me uncle. My tastes and opinions are changing, some vastly different than just 3 years ago. So yes, I am considered old.
Biologically, though, I feel pretty damn young.

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What grade were you in when you left Lodge?

... Have I ever mentioned my school?! The hell.
I was in Grade 6. Equivalent of Primary 6.

Do you take offence to questions like 'what is the hardest part of being Malay?' Or 'what is the hardest part about being gay?' or is this just people Being curious ?

It does leave quite a bit of a sour taste in the mouth, yes. Sometimes you just know certain questions really aren't genuine, and they're just trying to make you feel bad. Kinda like a subtle backhand slap at you.
I do, however, like to answer some of these questions. I think it's an opportunity to give a little bit of perspective to other reading. For some reason, people place so much attention at the fact that I'm Malay. It's really, REALLY, strange.

Do you think the benefits of being 'in the scene' outweigh the costs (birthday parties, clubs, drinks, vacation, staycation, clothes, gym...) just seems like a lot of consumption to keep and socialize with friends.

I think if it starts feeling like you need to put in much reluctant effort to 'keep up', maybe you should start reshaping your lifestyle.
I'm at this point where I have almost endless social obligations every week, so I did have to decide what I was in this for, and who are the ones I should be giving attention to. I try to give everyone a fair time, sometimes hopping different parties in one night, but I'm starting to think that's quite insincere. Funny story; there have actually been a couple times when I have had too many parties or events to attend in one day I simply told all of them I was busy with work when I'm actually at home sleeping.
I actually do enjoy my time at parties though, I must say. And I do give much thought to the cost whenever I want to do something. I've an even tighter control on my spending the last half of the year. Except for, well, drinks and cabs. Something I'm gonna cut down a lot come 2015. I think my time here is almost over.

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what do you miss most about Kuching?

I miss my home. And I miss my school. The former is gone now. And the last time I went back to the latter, it almost looked like it was falling apart.

Awww man, are you this greasy? Such a smooth talker ain't you..

It's all smooth until you start asking me out for a date. That's when I start cutting you off. #itsatrap

Have you stepped into a Sauna before? I find it funny that people who sleeps around a lot passes judgement on people who visited the Sauna just once or twice in a year. Do you think that's hypocritical ?

I don't agree with the idea of men's sauna. I don't agree on the idea of young men going in to be fondled like meat at the butchers. I don't agree that you're going in and mindlessly fucking someone whom you can barely see, or even know, or even talk to. I don't agree with sleaziness.
The problem isn't the sex. The problem is how it's presented.
I am, however, aware that there's a market for saunas. I just don't personally agree with the concept of saunas.

What is your favorite rooftop?

There's a place in Melbourne where I spent a long time looking out over the city skyline alone. It was about 3-5 degrees then.
If there ever was a perfect time for me to drop dead, it would have been then.

Since you worried about psychological.damage to your old gf why not write her an apology letter?

I care too little to be bothered.

But he keeps apologizing, which makes me feel so guilty. I don't know if he's holding his feelings back; playing hard to get or maybe it's just because of me. Cause i've made it clear that im not into a r/s for now..

Leave him. Fullstop.

When a guy says he's into me, says that I mean a lot to him BUT spends no effort to keep a conversation or what not with me. I guess I am just a substitution, a spare tire for him whenever he's lonely or friendzoned by some other guys. What should i do?

Leave him.

It's okay luh. I find u damn nice to answer lengthy answers and u have many questions to answer to . so , great job -anon abc

Awww sweet. Thanks a lot man. :)
I'm at this point where I need to space out my posting cause there's just so many questions with potentially long answers.

Your answers are hard to swallow ( so many oh no ) but I love ur ans -anon abc

'so many oh no'? Huh.
But hey glad you're being entertained here haha.

Any thought on fetishes of Asian guys who prefer white cock or white guys who prey on Asian men? Is it only a taboo fetish or a type of racism?

It is an obvious prejudice, but not necessarily a bad one.
I believe people should be given liberty to choose who they want to sleep with, or be with. It is, after all, an intimate and private matter.
Having a sexual preference does not necessarily make one racist.

What do you consider 'socially awkward'?

Not knowing how to dress appropriately. Not knowing how to speak to people. Not knowing general etiquette at a social function. Not knowing how to pour a glass. Not knowing how to forward a conversation...
.. and many other judgmental things.

You seem like a nice guy. What is your definition of love in the gay community?

I believe love transcends boundaries, and I don't believe love in the gay community is any different than what we all understand love is to be.
Love is universal. Love is being at peace with yourself. Love is accepting people for who they are. Love is being able to see the good, the bad and the gray. Love is releasing your pride and ego. Love is the ability to see the shades of gray, and not just the black and white. Love is not selfish. Love is infinite. The more you send out the feelings of love to other people, the more at peace you will feel.
But love between two individuals? I do not understand it enough to explain.


Language: English