
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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Do you speak like that because of Benjamin Kheng?

No? But I grew up with people who speak like him. You can't just pick up and drop an accent without years of practice.

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It's actually Acid Bar at Emerald Hill. Think it sums up this account nicely; come in and have a chat!

They say if your date is super nice to you, but is rude to a service staff, it shows their true colours. How far do you agree with this?

It's true. That's why I'm deliberately nice to waiters and floor staff LOL.
Honestly though, I've ever cancelled dates with people who were rude to waiters. I simply cannot stand that. It speaks a lot about a person.

Have you ever considered speech therapy for your stuttering and slurring issues? Do you think you have a gay voice/accent?

I have. A few years ago I had a chat with a voice coach and a voice training school in Joo Chiat. They were too expensive, and I wasn't making money off of my voice. So I sadly had to let it go.
I do try to practice pronouncing my words whenever I can. My natural speech speed is quick and I have to consciously slow it down sometimes. I've cultivated a proper, clearer speech voice but I rarely use it because it does sound weird and carries its own accent, one of which I've tried years to neutralize. People tend to judge when they see your skin color and accent do not match.
Nah I don't think I've a gay lisp. I can be a bit of a softy sometimes though.

Have you ever been hospitalised or broke a bone or something?

You know... I've never. I once went in to get stitches on the top of my right eyebrow after I busted it open from a sneezing accident as a kid. That's pretty much it.
Never broken a bone either. Turns out I probably have dense bones. You'd expect after those days of play-wrestling and stunts something would give way,

Have you ever been unsure of what your identity is and what gender attracts you? -MaleTeenHavingIdentityCrisis

I think every teen... or rather gay teen goes through that stage in life. Back in primary school I had a lot of good girl friends. I was their little puppy, so-called. They took care of me even though I was an ass. But truly, I had a different kind of affection to my male friends. I did have a couple girlfriends as a teen though in hindsight it felt a lot more like an arrangement rather than genuine infatuation.
The question of homosexuality drifted in and out of my head once in a blue moon but only took serious grip once I entered polytechnic.

you should do youtube videos talking about stuffs like friendship and stuffs! make it raw without so much edits and i am sure ppl will connect to you

Haha I thought of the idea, but even I can get annoyed at my own voice and preaching. I communicate better on text anyway. Plus, I have a bit of a slurring and stuttering speech problem.

do you keep movie tickets with your past dates to keep it as a memento or you dispose it?

I do actually. Although I never look at them.

but you went travelling with him, i remember. how did that came about? a photographer and a dancer. really weird combi but cute

He and I both needed a break. Pretty much that. We rented a nice place at a resort that had its own patio and beach access. We went out to town to mingle around and even went for adventure trails. Just two guys hanging out.
And before you ask, no, we had separate beds and nothing explicit happened.

Pho Stop? I din't know its a bar hahaha

It's on the second floor, called 'The Bar Above'! It's actually even bigger than public floor space of Pho Stop and people love the huge outdoor seating area. You should go check it out.

Favorite place to have a drink, outside of TP of course.

Really nowhere else. Only two places. Out Bar and Pho Stop.

then why did the date not work out? eitherway, he really is quite a looker

I didn't actually realize what we had was a date till he mentioned it long after it happened. Haha. But I was fond of him, and really adored him. Watching him on stage always gave me all these kinda of good feelings.
Our life goals and mindset can be quite different. I respect him as a performer and a friend. I'm very comfortable around him, sometimes I see him as a younger brother more than a lover. Just that we're better off as friends.

do you get turn off by smokers?

I'm a smoker myself, actually.
I'm okay with them as long as they keep their hygiene up to standard. Funny enough I do get turned off a little when I smell cig smoke on a person's body when we get intimate in private. I also don't really like the smell of another person's cigarette smoke.

How did your passion of photography come about?

Photography was actually a by-product of my love for moving images and writing stories.
As a kid my dad had a hi-8 video camera lying around that we brought on our year end vacations. I was fascinated to see myself on tv, and figured out how to use it on my own. I brought it to school on my last day in Malaysia and recorded everything.
I regularly brought a miniDV video camera to secondary school. I was obsessed with documenting almost everything. I was a sentimental person. Soon enough I started learning how to edit videos and create digital effects on my own. I learned the craft of storytelling, and my dad bought me a 3-4 thousand dollar video camera when I was 15. It was a Canon XM2.
From then I was creating videos for my NCC CCA, play acting with friends and going around recording short films. I learned story writing, and picked up on recognizing light since I was poor and had to work my best with natural light.
Photography came about only because it seemed easier to document things. I always carried a camera with me before the days phones had decent cameras.
When I started my film career I had no idea how to use a DSLR nor flash though I intimately understood the logic behind image capture. Still cameras were simply tools I haven't learned how to use yet.
I had to pick up photography simply because of the money. There were more photo jobs than video jobs. It was easy for me, yet I felt it was quite limited in my interest to tell stories. That's why I tend to pair my photos with long captions. I really haven't figured out how to flesh out stories in a single photo.
I prefer my photos to look raw, dirty and unpolished, I like to hide subtext within the frame and captions. I don't do a very good job at it though cause not many people recognize the message I'm trying to tell through these snapshots. They're usually contradictory, juxtaposed. I pair humor with dark themes. Seemingly self-serving photos that are actually self-critical. Stuff like that.
Images are always more popular than short videos cause they're easily shareable and accessible. So I just move with the strength of the medium.

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Liked by: Jaden

You don't sound like Malay. Nice voice.

Haha thanks. I've been accused of having a fake accent too so there's that.


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