
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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What is your preferred way to die?

Quick and violently. I think the best way for me to go is to be pulverized completely within a fraction of a second. No suffering, no physical body so to speak for anyone to remember or bury. Simply vanish.
It's funny how that is. At which point do we stop becoming a person as parts of our body disappears? At which part does a cow, while being butchered, turns into beef?

As compared to 10 years ago, definitely. The advances in treatment has been really good and I shudder to think about what people had to go through 10 years ago. And cost is only going to get cheaper and cheaper. For example you can get non-generic Edurant for $8/month. How crazy is that???

These are great answers. Thank you! I'm actually compiling some data for a private research, and I'll send over this info to the guy in charge.
Hey feel free to contact me on FB privately or whereever else, I dont know, if you want to share more info.

Are you secure enough to eat dinner in a restaurant alone or watch a movie by yourself?

Yes. I do spend a lot of time alone, actually. My phone is buzzing constantly enough from all the chat groups and messages that I actively search for time to be alone. I do my shopping alone too.

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I sense u resent getting called high profile.

Absolutely. Because there is no meaning nor value to that term. 'High-profile' is a fantasy status created by the community themselves. They think of it like an elite club, that there are unspeakable benefits to being one.
There isn't. It's nothing. One insecure idiot can slap on the term onto someone who just happens to have 20 more friends and everybody starts believing in it. Have you any idea what kind of nonsense some of my quieter friends have to face just because they happen to have 'fans'? Certain bitter individuals sometimes simply cannot stand to see another person getting attention.
The ones I would say are legitimately influential do not even appear on the ground and most people would have never even heard of them. They're way above all this petty drama in that one stretch of the road.

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Aren't you always cosying up to high profile boys Audi?

My friends are varied on the 'status level'.
If you're questioning the integrity of my friendship with so-called 'high profile boys' maybe you should be asking them questions.
This is exactly the kind of high-profile/low-profile bullshit that floats around in this space.

I still don't see where the blackmail thing comes into play after you sleep with them... seems a bit paranoid...


Why do you think someone would blackmail you after you slept with them?

Some people just like to see another person burn. As much as I've met a lot of wonderful people, I've also met some of the most vile and toxic individuals here.

I recalled that you were quite put off with the term 'high profile'; what are your thoughts on that term and why would it seem offensive to be called as one?

The concept of 'high profile' is representative of the huge insecurity issues rife within the gay community. There's a disproportionate amount of attention given by gay men to be prominent or influential in the gay scene. I wager that this is partly because of the need for validation for various reasons. The irony being, of course, is that people tend to publicly denounce 'high profile' people but they sure as hell won't mind if they were called 'high profile'. It is a disgusting hypocrisy. This behavior is apparent even in other aspects of Singapore culture where just because someone is rich or prominent, they think it gives them the freedom to throw rocks at them.
The term these days is so loosely defined, that just because you have a slightly bigger group of friends, it means you're popular. It's not. It is ridiculously easy to be 'high profile'. When you appear at one spot twice a week without fail all the time soon enough people are going to know you. It seems sometimes that it's just a matter of time people will slap on the term onto you, and you get that sort of flak that comes along with it.
I really detest this concept of high-profile and low-profile. It brings young men to chase that fame and attention. Some of them sell their bodies online in the manner of soft-porn selfies. Others beg to be accepted into the current hot clique of the season and don't mind being pushed around just as long as somehow he's associated with 'the hot boys'. He opens his legs up for them, buy drinks for them, fluff their balls and when the boys he's with isn't in season anymore, he drops them and moves on.
It isn't just about sexualizing themselves though. Some would even put on the facade of 'fighting for gay rights' and join the mob in raising flags and shouting about online in the hopes to be the voice of the community. I've seen it happen. They'll come together and congregate in the park, singing songs hand in hand about the freedom to love, only to return to the status quo after and are back at each other's throats trying to pull the rug under the other. The need for self-validation in the gay community is obsessive and unhealthy.
And you know what, some people who are famous or popular in the scene didn't even choose to be there. It is less of a title you make for yourself, and more of what people place on to you. Maybe you're a genuinely funny person online. Maybe you're just so damn handsome and people like that. Maybe it's just the nature of your professional job (clubs, pubs) that people just get to know you. They didn't choose it; they were given that spot.
Being popular should not be seen as a sin. Being popular does not automatically make someone 'bad'. Similarly popular people should understand that their influence has the potential to do much good, rather that use it for their own selfish benefits.

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I have being stalking Joshm118 from home to school or put with friends.

I've always wanted to know why anyone would do this, up to the point of even impersonating someone to solicit sex.
Why do you do it? Or do you just ask and then don't meet up? Is it a fetish or fantasy of some sort?

I went to Bangkok to seek treatment because I'm in civil service and didn't want to risk getting discriminated. I go for bloodwork (CD4 count and general lipid tests) and to refill medication every 5-6 months. Consultation is $40, $200-300 for the tests and meds are $100/month. Not too bad right?

Rather interesting points here. Thanks.
Would you say medication has gotten cheaper recently?

Testing poz was a pretty non-event for me. Tbh pozboysg is sometimes too dramatic. Testing poz forced me to rethink where I was in life and now I'm much happier and healthy (ironic isn't it). Medication now has no side effects and we have it better than most chronic disease patients.

I heard one doctor saying if he had to choose between HIV or diabetes, he'd take HIV.
Mind me asking for a breakdown of your HIV medication costs and whether there are government subsidies?

You guys have the funniest tweets Eva. NVR fail to make me laugh. Can we b fwens? :3

Just join in the fun on twitter.
It's okay we don't judge.
.... we don't.
Liked by: Ziwei

It might not be wise to get on the government's records if you're poz. Going to Bangkok for treatment is a perfectly viable option and overall cost is much less too, including flights. You're looking at less than SGD100/month for brand name first line drugs. Generics would cost even less.

Okay firstly I am not positive for HIV.
But please feel free to tell me about the plight of HIV persons. I'm trying to get things together. I NEED to know what you guys are going through.

I didn't know you wear makeup! What do you use!

Only on special occasions, actually. But I'm using liquid foundation by Givenchy.

Do you miss the days when you used to slut around and find a new guy each time you went out?

Not exactly. It was a different time and environment. I was enjoying my time being new and fresh. It was what it was.
I guess as I grew older I simply just didn't need to sleep around. Life just takes its own way, you feel like you don't have to do it. I got attached, too. That gave me some perspective (and sex on-demand haha!)
Funny enough when I turned single again I didn't rush back to town with my dicksword slashing people up. I just... simply didn't look for it.
Recently, too, a few acquaintances have contracted STDs, some HIV, and these were no more than two degrees of seperation. I realized then that if I weren't careful enough I could get in trouble.
I also realized that certain groups were getting interested in me for some reason and not in a good way. There was also that possibility to be blackmailed if I were to sleep with the wrong person. I decided I could do away with frequent hook ups. I didn't need the excess drama.
Not denying I still have my fun every once in a while.

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no link but why do you date someone like younger than you for example 18 year old when you know you will be judged

Do you think anyone would bat an eyelid if they saw a 40yo and 48yo couple?
Why care? Tom Daley is 19, his boyfriend is 39. They sure aren't having any issues except the ones judging them superficially for the age.

Honestly do you trust your big group of friends? Do you tell them all your secrets or do you keep it within yourself? ... Or some do, some don't.

I think you're coming from a prejudiced point of view. Some people put so much weight on the name 'friends'. You're expecting eternal loyalty, trust, and all that.
I don't expect anything from people I call 'friends'. They come as they are, and I don't like to impose rules on what our friendship is. I know each of them as individuals and they all have unique bonds. I work according to how friendship progresses and transforms naturally.
There are people I trust my secrets with, but each other them carry different kinds of secrets, or rather, information. One friend, I can trust with say a certain kind of information, the other I cannot, but I can trust that other guy if I want to muse about something. I have close friends that are out of the gay community, and that's great whenever I want to get an opinion that isn't influenced by gay culture. I guess you could say many people have a little bit of my personal thoughts, but they're in bits and pieces spread around.
Obviously, I believe secrets stop becoming secrets the moment it transfers out of you, so the ones I really keep don't get out of my thoughts. You can say that means I don't trust my friends, but I think that's inaccurate. Some secrets simply shouldn't be said to another person.

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Why do you keep saying you go to bar alone when I always see you with a big group of friends?

I do go to the bar alone. I walk in and out of them alone, I don't make concrete plans with anyone when I head down. I just appear.
I've made friends along the way, so it's natural to bump into them at the bars. We all just tend to congregate. One sees the other, the other sees another, the another sees more others, it just snowballs.
Other times I am not at Tanjong Pagar, I do hit some random bar every now and then alone for a quick shelter.

what is your relationship with Casper? I saw u two very close just now

My personal life isn't for the public to pick at like a buffet spread.


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