
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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where will u be tonight?

I've got a meeting at Pho Stop, then probably will park my ass there for a while then cross over to Out Bar.

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I'm blur at this but what does that meant o.o . I'm slightly retarded to comprehend HAHAHA.

And I'm chronically on some kind of (legal) substance. We are even.
Liked by: Brown monkey

HAHAHAHAHA yeah lengthy replies are a burden to my reading HAHAHA. u might not know me. I would still talk to you anonymously even if I knew u <3

Yeah nobody I know says 'u' to me. HAHA.

If your house is on fire and you can only pick out 5 things from your wardrobe, what would they be?

I'd actually have to think what else I can take haha!
I don't have many clothes.

u're answers are quite lengthy , I took quite a long time to read HAHAHA. Audi, don't care about what others say , just stay true to urself .Jiayou!

The only thing lengthy about me are my replies. HAH! <3
Liked by: Ziwei

People shouldn't think about approaching you because if they had the balls to do so already and would likely make more interesting company vs. People should try to see you as still just another fellow human being, and like all of us, seek to form meaningful relationships. Which one?

Actually I don't even know. I have an aversion to strangers in general. I'm cautious around overly-dramatic or clingy people. I automatically reject the ones who are out for a fuck. I am guarded with those who start of with praising me.
I'm a normal everyday person. I do not want the praises or attention. We all have equally as much to learn from each other.

you grow up to be surrounded with a society and family that are conservative, and being gay is a taboo in the asian society, yet alone being a malay urself. how the heck do your family still let you stay with them? because if it were me i would be long gone

You make it sound like I hit the unholy trinity.
I didn't actually grow up in a conservative society. My childhood was by all means liberal. It was an international school and I studied under the British education system. We mingled around with people from all kinds of backgrounds and countries. I truly believe this is the biggest reason why my thinking is so different compared to me parents. I felt they got even more conservative as they grew older. But that school taught me to speak loud and clear. It taught me think critically. It taught me education isn't about memorizing.
It's only when I returned to Singapore did i experience this whole culture of conservatism that I simply do not understand at all. Passive-aggressiveness is the status quo. The rule is "Nobody should feel offended". Higher authorities are always right. Absolute bullshit! That's how society self-destructs!
The reason why my family lets me stay with them is simply because they love me. There is nothing else to say. I am the worst possible outcome a pious Muslim family can ever have. In the books, I am destined for eternal damnation. My dad struggles to reconcile his beliefs and what his only son is. But he keeps me around. That's love. I didn't understand it at first, but now I do. He may try to change me and whatever, but I know where he's coming from. So likewise I forgive him and we don't speak about it. It's a good compromise for now. I let it go.
You shouldn't believe asian culture feels homosexuality is taboo. Asian society has always been cordial to homosexuality up until the introduction of Christianity. Or rather more specifically, the values of western Victorians (17th century). It's a huge irony how the west is opening up to differences and the Asians are clamping up on it. The 'Asian values' the conservatives are bringing up now is a manufactured farce created not more than 30 years ago when Asian governments were trying to form a coalition around the time of the Asian Financial Crisis. It is entirely political.

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Would you spend money hiring a personal trainer to help you with your body image issues ?

Yes. Nobody knows about this but it seriously considered Jake Junjie from Gold's Gym to be my personal trainer. This was about 2 months ago.
He and I share the same belief in fitness and I admire his passion for training people up. I was very open with him from the get-go about my concerns and my training background, which is a good sign that I'm perfectly comfortable with somebody.
I went for one trial session under him one night. It was me alone. Full attention was given to me. And in that short hour span I learned so much. He imparted onto me ideologies and advice. Up till now I've reshaped my personal training because of him.
I was seriously considering signing up the longest-term package with him but unfortunately I simply could not afford it alongside my other financial commitments.

How many pull ups can you do ?

I don't know. I haven't done one in a long while. My training has all been with dumbbells.

What is the most hurtful thing someone said about you on 'Secret' ?

Honestly, it's not about the criticisms about me. I care very little about what others think because let's be honest; it's too easy to bitch about someone. So damn easy. Maybe your eyes are a bit far apart, and one lone individual can quip something about it and it sets fire on its own. There is no integrity in that.
One comment did set me thinking though. It said "Audi should spend less time in the clubs and more time in the gym."
At that point of time I knew I was getting out of hands with my body. Bad lifestyle. This random comment just added to it. I have to be thankful though, cause that's one of the reasons why I finally decided to get off my god damn ass and do something about it.
I feel great recently.

Would you open your own photography agency one day ?

I had a videography business for about three years before I closed it down cause it was failing and I was exhausted.
I probably won't ever open any photography-related business. Photography isn't my passion. My talent lies in moving images. With moving images you have more tools like sound, relatability, and transitions to tell stories.
I only take up photo jobs for the money, or take photos to satisfy that urge to shoot something quick.

What is your favourite lighting modifier?

The humble umbrella, diffused or bounce.
I love shooting portraits, so this was pretty natural. It curves light around the face nicely and unlike faces with sharper features, most Asian faces look better with rounded light.
It's really amazing how smaller light sources can be multiplied in size by just that simple tool. Cost-effective is the word.

Some people believe that there was a 'point of no return' when they knew for sure they were gay. Did you have a moment like that? When did you know there was no going back?

Never heard of that before to be honest.
I guess you could say that point happened when I came fully out of the closet five years ago.
But before that ever since as far back as I can remember I sorta knew I've been gay. I liked guys. A lot. And I love cocks even more. But then I had to keep telling myself to like girls cause it was 'right' and society tells me I should be hitting those stages in life.
I surfed gay porn all the time as a young man, checked out guys, but I grew up in this mentality that homosexuality was rare, it couldn't happen to me and I had no frame of reference or any knowledge nor any moral bearing on where it stood the whole time I was growing up. At least until the army when I met my first openly gay friend. Homosexuality never felt 'wrong' to me, I didn't hate myself for it. I only learned it was 'wrong' when I started recognizing I was one.

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Do you worry that one day you might be that old gay uncle still chasing after twinks? That future is just 6 years away...

I'll be 32 in 6 years. That's not old, don't be rude. Hah!
Over the years I've noticed that as I grew older, my tastes in men or partners also change. While I do have a preference for boyish faces, it was never really about age. Again, my eldest date is 32 now, and the youngest is 18 now.
I'm not worried. I don't go for kids consciously. For now I'm just looking for stability, maturity and intelligence (and an at least decent face). If someone fits the bill, I don't care what his age is. But 10 years from now, I don't know what I might like.

How many people get to follow your super private Twitter?

..... How did you even know about it? Last I mentioned about it was 2 years ago! Scary how you guys remember things.
Anyway, not a lot. About 70?

Do you change underwear when bathing in the morning or evening?

Well someone really wants to know my personal routine in absolute detail....

Do you think that it is possible for an average guy without any looks, body to do well in the gay circle? It is kinda obvious that many nowadays prefer looks over personality?

Of course it's possible. Sure, many people prefer looks over personality, but so what? You don't want people obsessed with the outer image.
Not all good lookers prefer good looking partners, not all who want good lookers put in effort to be good looking themselves (not that it means both partners must be good looking, no)
It's rather presumptuous, really. Focus on building your own character first. Know your grooming, know how to converse, walk around, explore things, read up on everything. Have a good sense of humor. Be comfortable in your own skin. What the 'gay circle' thinks is irrelevant to you unless you believe in it. The few famous, popular faces you see online do NOT make the bigger gay community.
I've had many friends who get handsome A-list guys only to realize behind the pretty face is the personality of a vase. (Disclaimer: Does NOT mean handsome guys are more likely to be dull. That is also a misconception.)
People are initially attracted to looks. It's a calling card. But they'll stay if you've proven to have great character and personality.
Don't fret about what 'the norm' is. Focus on yourself.

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Liked by: Jaden

Hi how did u change your religion status? What's the process like can you share about how you did it?

It is surprisingly easy. I thought I did it wrong.
The first one in 2007 when I had to declare my details before enlistment at CMPB, I picked 'Agnostic' as my religion. In the Army, I was given my dogtag and where they state religion, mine was 'NIL'. I was also slotted together with non-Muslims during meal times.
Recently I had to redo my IC, and I had to double-confirm my religious status. I did, and my IC was given to me, no problem. So yes, for sure my records are official in the eyes of the law.
Unless someone with better knowledge reading this can say otherwise.

Get an Android then.

I'm comfortable enough with my Apple ecosystem when it comes to mobile. Even between my PC it is a seamless transition.
It ain't broke.

If you contracted HIV would you openly talk about status?

Yes. With much reluctance. It's life changing sure but I think I'll be compelled to publicly journal my life with HIV eventually.
But who knows.
Liked by: Ziwei


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