

Ask @monalisafta

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If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

2. mesut oezil or david silva, they a myidol :*
3. tomo, his a my lostfriend. I wish can lunch with he again :'
4. Uncle Dar, hes a the best uncle!
5. Tanto. Yeah, him a my ex-boy :)

If you could choose to live anywhere in the world where would you prefer to live?

Japan ! Hahaha Im always dream to try life in japan :) hahaha

Do you collect anything? If so, what is it?

nothing. Hehehe. Maybe naruto photos. Im like all about naruto:)

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

no. I dont want to rectify any past event :)

Mona desc gue dundzZ;p

fameladnov’s Profile PhotoFamela Dian N.
famel ya hmm, masih muda soalnya kelahiran 97, januari 23. Pinter . Terus anaknya imut (jangan kepedean gitu deh mel) anaknya baik, tapi kadang suka pelo gitu hehehepeace , alumni pgri. Alumni sma 4, terus terus apa lagi ya? Oh iya yang pasti cantik dong hahaha terus hmm oh iya pipinya tembem ;p
Liked by: Famela Dian N.

Apa yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh pria sejati?

ngga bikin cewe bingung. sayng orang tua. soleh berani berkata tidak. ahhh gitu deh pokoknya


Language: English