

Ask @kayladix

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Describe your day in emojis!

this? this? this? this? this? this ?this?this ?this ?this ?this?this? this?this? this? this? this❤ this ✌this ?this✊ this ?this? this? this ?
Liked by: kayladix desinae kayle

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@shandude asks, "What's your favorite animal and why?”

puppy/dogs ?and pandas ?because their lovable to me
not cats? to me they act kinda ..i dont wanna say weird bv everyone is weird in there on way but they act...creepy?
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If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

praying hands with wings i woulf het it on my arm bc my mom have that tattoo and its placed on her arm
Liked by: desinae kayle

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

alive in heaven-My cousun turqouise
alive on earth -rayray prodigy princtoon roc roayl and ej AKA -mindless behavior
Liked by: desinae kayle

Do you believe in horoscopes?

yes i believe in my horoscopes im nitbsure about others but my horoscope represents me ♊♊♊♊♊gemini???
Liked by: desinae kayle

Language: English