
Giovanna Ferri

Ask @giovannaxferri

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If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

laptop (for the pictures saved on it), wardrobe, phone, Advil, toothbrush

I honestly always feel depressed and everything usually makes me happy doesn't anymore

Everyone goes through periods like that but it doesn't last forever and there's good to come, I promise

Who r all the people u sub to on youtube

Oh boy there's a lot but the people that I watch but mostly ciaoobellaxo, Claudia sulewski, Ingrid Nilsen, Kandee Johnson, Kailee McKenzie, Lauren Elizabeth, Aspyn Ovard, Cambria Joy, Tess Christine, Niki and Gabi, mamamiamakeup

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Since it didn't exist at the time then there was nothing to feel like you're missing out on

This is going to sound weird but i made a fake account because i was embarrassed to follow u on my real one

Uh then I'm not going to accept it lol just follow me on your real one


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